.Hack//CHAT 2 - Rebirth

by Redemption101
.Hack//CHAT 2 - Rebirth
A revival of the game .Hack//CHAT, explore and experience a whole new world in this icon chatting game.

A revival of the game .Hack//CHAT in its early alpha testing stages, explore "The World", discover its secrets, make new friends, chat with other people, build and customize your own place and customize your character!
Open Position for Assistant Coder, Mapper, Pixel Artist and 24/7 Host! To apply click here.
For latest and recent updates, click here, .Hack//CHAT 2 - Rebirth is only in early alpha testing stages, bugs are not only present but is also expected. Please report to the forums if you managed to find some bugs.

Owner: Redemption101
GMs: None
Assistants: Meito15
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