Starting to update need a couple iconners and a translator to translate brazil you can pm me on my pager
Owner: Herb/Calilber
Gamer mod.. Thingys-
Enforcer: jakessj5
Hub designer and just awesome guy: USSJ4 Cat
(USSJ4 Cat) I will do more, but due to my schedule I won't be on that much
![]() Jan 1 2008, 10:00 pm
Really fun game play if u want a good exp. admins are helpful admins on alot onlything is that u have random ppl hosting so u need to get on the right one but we can get herb to fix that.
I need the source so I can keep it running since Herb or Yummy haven't been seen in ages. I suck at coding but I'll make an attempt
dont worry ill be back my brother got a job so ive been stuck selling more and im getting a month off work so that will free up my time to get back to this. so when im back ill start on some new clans and ill be able to host the game myself.
well we got someone but he isnt 24/7 and im looking for 2 iconners that are willing to icon turfs so i can remap everything
It appears that we are again in need of another host because it seems joao quit. If you are able to host 24/7 get on the forums and apply to be the new main host.
ahhh lets see i wanna do killer bee so his icon and for his moves and ahh for map i just want a new wall, dirt and grass icons for the map
K for the iconners that icon for me if your not an admin you will get admin for iconning and those that are admins or higher will get promotions
i am back to find something out that really pisses me off so ima talk to the host and take care of the problem
*Come on try it what have you got to lose*