Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Looking for a cheap, reliable 24/7 shell server host? Email me! to set your server up today!


Easy and I do all of the work for you so you can focus on what matters, managing your game!
The Download files doesn't work.......
yep i bet the game is dying down now
How can i change things when i host the game??
this is a god game i would of been comented it was good thre
e years ago
C'mon silenced reboot plz ._. i was trying to kill ultima but everything went black. we can all talk but we cant move or do anything. even once we have relogged
it think it was mt fault
I need some help. My Byond dream runner won't logg me in, it says i am logged in but when i sign into games it says no.Can someone help me?
~Pro Server~ Will be down for a bit, adding in updates, & a 2nd server.
2nd server is up, i have some stuff to look over b4 i post mine
You need to update to latest version of byond to play on my server
if you have Ichigo bankai i think that when you activate it before he says bankai this black smoke surrounds your player and when your person says bankai that smoke releases... it'd be a great Ichigo bankai effect
how come when my brother logs on to his computer and when my laptop is connected to his computer wireless i cant get say there is another ip address or something like that and cant get on
its because your using the same internet so ip address is the same
how long does subscription takes to process?
i got on the bleach but on the choosing character on pro/extreme server but i cant see anything at all blank black page
yo when i want to use portal teleport, etc.. it activates but the place i want to go i cant choose wats going on
why is it that when my character uses kidou my games laggs hard untill i finish useing the kidou ?
Can someone fix or bring up the pro/extreme server.
The game doesn't lag, the game makes it so you cannot move, its part of the coding.
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