Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

Uhm excuse falacy alot of ppl were play it when it came up u were just AFK 90% of the time so u didnt see the Server lag so bad from tomany players xD i playd the hell out of it*most the time i was typing cuz imfriendly* so yea @_@ and 76 years? ull be dead bythen>.<
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

well yesturday we had 76 players waiting to play...not as many as HU but a good amount, any new game i think is really good i play it for like 2 days then its nver up again...
Iytjusa wrote:
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

Uhm excuse falacy alot of ppl were play it when it came up u were just AFK 90% of the time so u didnt see the Server lag so bad from tomany players xD i playd the hell out of it*most the time i was typing cuz imfriendly* so yea @_@ and 76 years? ull be dead bythen>.<

Wtf, there was no lag >_>
Leaflyn wrote:
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

when is it goin back up because LN gets kinda boring after you've played this game
The game will be up when Falacy puts it back up, not a moment sooner >_> possibly later if you keep bugging him. Just let him do his thing if he brings it down its for a reason so just wait till he's finished with his business.

Begging on here like you have only makes him laugh most likely because it makes you look desperate.

So hold your horses and lets just be "good players" and let Falacy do his work on the game.

Leaflyn wrote:
there should be a p-wipe lol can anyone tell me how to shoot quincy arrows rapidly that still do damage because wen i try they only hit 0's

no there should b no P-wipe i hate p-wipes( and it would b really OD if there was a p-wipe)
Sregor wrote:
The game will be up when Falacy puts it back up, not a moment sooner >_> possibly later if you keep bugging him. Just let him do his thing if he brings it down its for a reason so just wait till he's finished with his business.

Begging on here like you have only makes him laugh most likely because it makes you look desperate.

So hold your horses and lets just be "good players" and let Falacy do his work on the game.


i like this game and idc if he laughs cuz i am desperate 2 play this game i love this game its the best game on Byond and i am a gud player ( there r many ways 2 b a gud player )
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

dude u were playing late so thats y nobody was barely playing in the morining theres usaully like 70people on
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

dude u play at night thats when people go to sleep so not alot of people are on in the moring theres like 70 people playing
Naruto2815 wrote:
Falacy wrote:
It will be back up in 76 years! Dunno what everyones complaining about, barely anybody was even playing it when it was up.

dude u play at night thats when people go to sleep so not alot of people are on in the moring theres like 70 people playing

I think he was joking...
plz 24/7 i need play this good game
a game like this cant b up 24/7 the icons on this game u wont find on another game so it makes it hard 4 him 2 make sure nothing gose wrong with the Game, when this game is up 24/7 thats when u no that he is done fixing the Game and he will have no more problems or any Runtime( God i hate when Run time happens its so fucking annyoing)
falacy one question what are u planning to do for such a long time are u ever putting the game up
man i hope he puts the game back up if not give someone the files to host because it is a pure master piece i have never played a game that has turned out the way this one has simply AWSOME!
Naruto2815 wrote:
falacy one question what are u planning to do for such a long time are u ever putting the game up

the Game will b bak up soon but just let him do his stuff
Leaflyn wrote:
man i hope he puts the game back up if not give someone the files to host because it is a pure master piece i have never played a game that has turned out the way this one has simply AWSOME!

he will and ur right this game is the #1 best game on byond in my opinion ( but its not i think that hes trying hard 2 get it at the top but its in the top 5 so if i waas owner ill just keep it that way)
well me and my brother have been having some controversy in is he updating the game or is he just not hosting it right now?
_> i hope that falacy doesn't put the game back up till you little babies stop complaining about it being down. DAMN i mean get off a dudes nuts. >_> it's just a game. go get a job or something.
dark blueness.
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