Ten years later...
Welcome to the new Mafia! As a tenth anniversary treat, I've spent the last few weeks redesigning and rewriting my classic Mafia game, and I hope you'll all enjoy it!
This initial beta release contains most of the gameplay and features you loved about the original, but with a complete graphics overhaul and a few obvious improvements, as well as some not-so-obvious groundwork for future growth.
Over the coming weeks and months, in addition to fixing the anticipated bugs of a beta release, I plan to further revise the UI and expand the game's feature set. Some of my plans include:
- Improved game-management tools, such as advanced configuration options and cleaner setup
- Interface layout changes to allow scaling for larger windows
- Extending the default scene to allow for more players per round
- Additional stat-tracking and medals
- Music and sound
- Subscription features
- And of course, additional roles and gametypes, as has always been the bread and butter of Mafia updates!
I'd like to thank all of the people who have played and contributed to Mafia Classic over the years; their work may no longer be directly present in this release, but their influence on the game will always be felt and remembered. Another big thanks goes out to all of the people who helped test this initial re-release--I've awarded you all the game's first medal: Exterminator!
Thank you, everyone, and enjoy!
I just hope the problem gets fixed, whatever it is, so I can not get kicked off mid-match.