Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick

by 8bitdream
The ball of light has been lost. Gain power as you search for it in this large world.
Hey you think Byond would be gay about listing a fangame of a fangame? Bahahahahaha

even tho i was never very popular in this game, it was amazing for me and i truly appreciate all the effort u put into it soda to keep it running as long as it did. the shame of it all is i strongly believe that if every DW fan tried SOE out, or even knew about it this game would have over a thousand players.
i think i'm going to actually cry. CAN I GET A COPY! no server intended i just want it for the nestalgia please.
Ditto ^
Sorry. I did ask Lute if I could allow to let people have files. He said he only wanted files to be in the hands of the admin staff. I really do wish this game could be going again.
What a shame.
Well tell that bastard to make me an admin staff so i can host that shit! (If only i didnt have this bullshit dsl) #sadface
Can we get a admin to host it again?
god i would play the shit out of this game if it ever came back up again. I loved this game with a passion because it was different and challenging. sometimes it has been more time consuming than most of the original dragon quest/warrior games ive played before. the only reason i couldnt play it towards the end of its last hosting was cause i cant play byond at college for some odd reason. would love to play again though
To be honest with all the changes made to the game, you could prolly rename the game and keep it on byond. also if anyone wants to host Syl's old DWHD2 game i have host files for it.
I looked around on Byond to see if it was still alive (used to play in the earlier years). Its unfortunate that its dead but thanks for the great memories.
Just an update on the SoE2 server I host: it will be down from Sunday to Tuesday, or whenever Hurricane Sandy starts and stops being a hindrance in my state. So do not panic if you see it down. Unless somehow the hurricane kills me or something, the server will be back up.
So Meth has real internets now and can host shit, so I setup a HD2 server for people to play on. I cant guarntee itll be up all the time since I dont have a dedicated PC for it but, Its there! byond://
Your net failed Meth. Your firewall is blocking connecting to your server. You need to be an admin and host soe1 again Meth. Go for it. You need to kick someone in the groin to get the game running again, pointing at an admin.
what firewall? My dipshit brother unhooked my brand new router to hook up some other piece of shit cause hes convinced that its ''faster'' when my data transfer went down almost 10mb/s. It also is a confusing piece of shit of a router to setup port forwarding on.
Methalos + Real Internet + SoE = Let's do this. I've been keeping my fingers crossed that the game will come back up. We can all be dreamers. There are enough people that would still play, even to this game. SoE - Don't fade away!
Maybe if everyone that wanted to see the game up could chip in a dollar or two as incentive, or as simply a thanks for all the hard work??? Ha ha ha I might be reaching - but this game is classic, and shouldn't be laid to rest. The updates were amazing (thanks Sylv) and gave all the grinding a purpose. I was really excited to see where the game was potentially going. I still have hopes to see BD2 someday =)
I would be more than happy to host it, I just ordered a really nice desktop too so I would have a dedicated computer I could just leave byond running on. If they wanna let me, Id be more than happy to, but unfortunately in all forms, I believe that they just want to let SoE die, Its had enough life support. It is what it is. Id love to go waste Val a few times :(
I'd love to play SoE again as well, man. Need me some of that dead end simulator.
I'd be willing to give a few dollars towards this game if thats what it takes, but if the owners want to let it go to the realm of memories then I really don't have a say... :(
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