Hidden Wind Clan is a community that offers a mature roleplaying experience in a japanese-based world. Your character will begin its life at a young age and your roleplaying decisions will be what shapes it into the person that you want it to be!
In "HWC" we offer many features to make your gaming experience fashionable and fun. Everything done in the community is built upon player relationship and roleplaying in general... If you couldn't tell so far, this is definitely a game in which you roleplay. There are no "stats" in HWC. It is purely based upon roleplay decisions and choices you make, training you do and the "paths" you follow. We run it very much like a real game, and will not tolerate immaturity in game (Unless of course, your character calls for it).
With that said, you're welcome aboard to join our forums, and enter the game. Our lovely staff team will be more than willing to help you out with any problems you might have.. So don't hesitate to ask. The game is based in a "Naruto" setting. If you're a mature role player looking for a new community to call home, check us out before judging us based on our genre.