Dragonball Online Classic

by DBO Team
The original DBO in it's classic form, back after all these years!
there is a problem enemy wont attack you and i cant kill them it is lick they cant die

i love this game fix it
they just wont attack me
I figured out Patman's problem for him in game. In DBOC for those who don't know, alignment matters for what enemies will attack you. So evil enemies will attack you when you're good, and good enemies (like Goku) will attack you when you're evil.
Well, it looks like Achmel's team finally got their shit together and finished this.
Can't join server. I blame Achmel.
Why is the game down?
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We are once again looking for people to help with graphical related stuff. If anyone feels like helping us, then let Joey, Xavier, or me know. Most of what needs to be done is clothing and some of the races such as changling, bios, and buus. So if you're up to the task, or know someone that can help, please let us know.

Minor update: We're pretty much dropping work on clothing and non-saiyan/human/namekian races in order to get the update out sooner. We've run into a few minor difficulties from a month or so ago but we'll try to have it done before the end of the year. The game should be back up after this update along with a save wipe just to make sure everything goes well. Here's to hoping things work as planned.

Yet another update: Looks like we won't be making it before the end of the year due to needing to redo the hairs. Unfortunately, that takes time and since it's pretty much the holidays...everyone is pretty busy. I know this is frustrating but we're working on it. Sorry it's taking so long. If anyone has questions either post here or email me at [email protected] with DBO - byond in the title. (I'd prefer it being posted here)
I will host this game, I have superfast fibre broadband and my pc never shuts down. I started playing in 2007 btw. No this isn't my original account
Late update on what's going on: I've lost internet at home so I'm really not able to do much of anything. Joey is currently too busy to get the small graphical update into place to bother hosting again. Xavier is pretty much stuck with no real time to do anything, and we're not in a position to really give him stuff to do. This pretty much meens the game is on hold until we become less busy, and I get reliable internet access again. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get internet access back this year, and I'm not sure when we'll be in a position to do any more real work on it. When the graphical update is finally done, I will see about getting the game hosted again. Until then, please bare with us.
how do i fire beam and ki blasts?
how do i fire beams and ki blasts?
We're getting work done slowly as I've found a way to get internet access one day of the week. Updates to the body icons are mostly done. Game should be up now.

Edit: also, beams can be fired by clicking yourself while blasts can be fired by clicking the enemy.
So it seems everyone is on vacation and has been for the last two or three months. This meens work isn't really getting done and the game is down....not that anyone's been playing it or cared the last time it was up. Oh well, Xavier and Joey deserve a vacation. I'll take this time to ask for any suggestions on things that people would like to be changed to improve things and I'll see what I can do. Will be here every sunday.
Hey everyone, I stumbled upon some older source files for this game. Its the source files for a backup server so some things are changed (for example starting PL and KI are like ~1mil) however the game still works and everything.

In the interest of keeping this game alive, I'm going to provide the host files for this version (i compiled them myself):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kanyqs6vpc93zhb/ old%20dboc%20host%20files.zip?dl=0

EDIT: Here's the full source code (it's buggy, but it compiles) in case anyone is interested. It's also a very old source code, definitely not the final version.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ch4qhpmxqdgrnv/ Dragonball%20Online.zip?dl=0

ok guys i tried to bring back this game and make updates but i see now its no point since theres no players at all maybe 1 in sometimes but i believe its no point to keep it up so im done
To anyone interested, I found a host file of an updated/ripped version of this game, back when it was called DBO: Henkan Sai. The HUB page was taken down when all the DBZ games were purged from byond but the direct link to my server is:


Just copy that into your browser or byond application to connect. I'll try to host it a lot for the next week or two and see if I can get any players to join and have fun reliving the old days.
Hello everyone!

I know a lot of people miss the game and want it back with updates and everything.

So starting in December, I will be 24/7 hosting the game with constant updates. If you want to learn more info about the game reboot or want to join in on the closed and open beta, join the Discord link down below. I look forward to being able to revive the game and enjoy it with the community!

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eoceto0u73gfnc7zbv923/ Dragonball-Online.7z?rlkey=9stdmcetwe1cmvp6wj5wf9hsy&st=ywss agk9&dl=0 Used the source Metal_Mario33 posted above and made some minor changes, passing it forward
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