Jun 9 2011, 10:35 am
give me the scrose plz i want to make an avatar game better strust me it will be good !
can someone host? (dont say I HOST then i wait a year for you to host... i want to play with someone VERY SOON.
some1 plz host the host that is currently hosting their server is not even working.
this website has free byond membership and aewsome prizes click it
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I've been thinking about it for a while now and I think I'm gonna do it.
I'm planning on making an Avatar Game. I am able to code, icon, interface, and map and it should be somewhat easy game to code. If anyone has any ideas, I'm welcome to any. :) |
Here u guys have a unoficial byond hub (Here u can find naruto,dragon ball,bleach games, and rips that are not listed on byond hub) http://byondhub.blogspot.com/ : - We got over 70 + games - 200+ users evry day vist us site - Its free, Private - U can gain easy acces to games - The hub is uptaded evry day It would be nice if u send this link to u friends, put it on u game etc... |