Ok, so I was on Resident Evil Online 2 today. And as usual there was some troublemakers. Now, many of you on byond deal with these guys everyday.
This guy decided to call the host a b****. He was warned once before by the host herself^ and he evidently wasn't that bright.
I've put them into 2 groups mainly.
1. These are the people who go on everyday and cause trouble on purpose. I find these the most dangreous because if they stumbled upon hacks. Then we got problems. Also these are the main source of rips as I can tell. They happen upon some source and decide there gonna make the best Bleach/Naruto/ANIME game ever. /Sarcasm/
2. The people that don't know anything and your amazed that they can tie their shoes everyday let alone log on to byond.
Am I right or am I right?
Mar 27 2009, 12:44 pm
err.. No offense.. but common sense.. play Resident Evil by Ruben7 it is ALOT better.