Ah... I love membership contests...

My family went over to Bureau of Land Management facility in Palomino Valley, NV to look at the wild mustangs. My wife has already adopted two mustangs, one from this facility and the other from our local BLM office in Boise.

We had an absolutely splendid time there. We had two volunteers give our family a special tour of the whole grounds. We had arrived to the BLM grounds an hour or so before the office was open, so we drove around the grounds. There's an office near the entrance where I was intending to bring my son in to use the bathroom, and we were greeted by a nice lady. Sylvia is an older volunteer who immediately invited my son and my older daughter to come in the office to "get some goodies" like posters and pencils. When we got inside, there were about five or so other volunteers getting ready for their days' worth of work, and they were all very kind to my children and very eager to tell them anything about the horses.

After getting our "swag", another nice volunteer, Bobbi, took my wife and kids on a more detailed tour of the facility. They have a pair of burros that they've had for years now named "Josie" and "..." (name escapes me); they are kind of the mascots of the facility. Sylvia gave my kids a couple of dixie cups of baby carrots to feed them. My son and I were able to watch the staff move one of the older stallions into a trailer. There were basically seven grown men, with only a rope halter and rope lead, trying to muscle about a 900 pound animal whose only wish is to run back into the high hills. I personally forgot how tough and resilient our very first mustang was, so this was a nice moment to tell my son about how "this was just like how Des was".

The facility in NV is the largest mustang holding ground for the BLM. There are 30,000 mustangs in captivity and 30,000 in the wild. If you happen to be in Reno, Nevada any time in your life, travel about 20-30 miles north to Palomino Valley and visit a little bit of American history...

Now all that being said... here's the contest:

On the wall of the BLM office was this picture:

According to Sylvia, there was a mustang in the 80s that was rounded three times by the BLM. The reason? This mustang had the propensity to escape by jumping the fence. The fences at the BLM are five and half to six feet high, generally unjumpable even by a world class equestrian horse. To put in full perspective, the size of a mustang compared to a jumping equestrian horse is like a basketball player the size of Chris Paul (5'11") against a player the size of LeBron James (6'8").

This picture on the wall was taken on the third and last time this mustang was rounded up. They simply let the guy go. This is probably the best action photograph I've ever seen from an amateur, and this is the first time I've ever taken a picture of a picture before.

Make me a motivational (or demotivational) poster using the above mentioned photograph. The one with the best poster will win a free one year membership on BYOND; if you already have a membership, you can gift it to someone else.

Oh, also, submit multiple times if you'd like... but don't spam like 10 or so.
I will probably do another later but this is the first thing that popped up in my head :P
Made a few more, in order of my favorite to least favorite...These will be my last ones. eponamotiv.jpg seabiscmotiv.jpg

*If you get the first motivational poster's joke on this list then it's like automatic win.

Double Edit: Nadrew's doing ok, If I win, I donno..I'll decide something.
My Banner :

Fixed it :P
BioNerd wrote:
My Banner :

Urdoinitwrong! Points for trying though, google up "motivational poster generator" and find a site that does it. Look at other people's examples to give you an idea of what they should look like.

: )

I think I like the "Cowgirls" one the best...

I'm in no need of a Membership, and I don't really know who to gift one to, so let's just say that these were just for fun, and not really an entry to the
I like the Cowgirl and Impressive ones by SSGX and the Epona one by IcewarriorX.
Keep up the great entries guys!

I'll be making a decision on Tuesday.

This is my final submission. I really like this one.
Congratulations to Disturbed Puppy on the winning entry!
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