Ok, so PAU, Pokemon Aurora, is like on of my favourite games, but lately theres been a crappy lot of people quitting because of certain crappy GMs or GMs-To-Be for certain reasons.

Wusodoolo (Velore, Master Of Evil)
Problem: Byast to certain players, All around non-helpfull and jails/mutes if you present an actual point or ask for help

Problem: Byast to certain players and all around NON HELPFULL, she jails for no reason and frequently abuses her GM powers for her own or sprouts gain.

Dark_Midna (Sprout)
Problem: Hes not a GM, but he certainly acts like one, acting stupid and insulting people for no reason, also trying to have cyhunt, his "bestest friend" jail or mute anyone he hates, giving him+her double the suggestion power to other GMs.

Poison Tearz (Maxie)
Problem: Hes non helpfull at all times, frequently acts like a big cheese telling people to shut up when hes not an owner, hes an ENF-TO-BE, and that position should be jepardised by the fact he acts like an idiot and threatens and insults on a constant basis.

YamiGetseui (YamiGetseui/Yami)
Problem: No real noticable problems other than an abundance of AFK time and a general attitude sometimes.

Halotorpin (Ham)
Problem: General lazyness and usually not logged on, I havent seen Nemaru help anyone in the entirety of the time hes been a GM.

Mechana2412 (Mech)
Problem: No real notable problems other than an abundance of AFK hours

Problem: No real notable problems other than the long time she isnt logged on.

--There are a number of others unmentioned in this report due to the fact Im writing it out of anger and dont really have much bad to say about the other GMs. -- just happened to see this XD btw, hammy =/= nem o,o and nem isnt even GM or anything anymore....
Aww... I'm not on there. D:

Although, that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it? And why am I bumping up old topics again?
I apologize for bringing up old topics but. .

PAU has too many GMs as it is.
I'm not on there, woo!

*cough* and i think it does too but i don't mind *cough*