This goes out to all you guys who still think IE is the teh shizzors. <.<
Get Firefox! IE is just filled with never ending errors and no security.
What are you waiting for?
Nov 18 2005, 12:06 pm
Nov 18 2005, 12:08 pm
FireFox <3
I downloaded some bad stuffs and i had NoScript on my FireFox browser, the page didn't get through loadin cuz u know y? About:Blank wuz tryin' to run a script but NoScript didn't let it so it's like <3 pwnzeded, cuz i own k? Even if i clik on a ad wurr it gunna giv me virus i don't get virus cuz on most of the tutorials lead to viruses, y'mean? |
Firefox screws up all kinds of HTML and CSS. I use crazy browser. It is IE based but has added security features.
(just so no one can say "omg no IE screws it up)
IE was around first, so Firefox does the page screwing! |
Hell Ramen: Yeah, damn that Firefox making pages look better!
I have firefox, it doesn't make any pages look better. (unless the page was created for the firefox browser.) |
Evi, you're kinda silly. IE was around before CSS. CSS standards are adhered to mainly by Firefox and not by IE.
The only reason you find firefox not making pages better is because people use incorrect CSS to provide for IE's wonky interpretation. If an exam marker only gave marks for bad spelling and grammar, stupid sentences that didn't make sense and so on, and some student had to jump through hoops and write their essay worse just to get an A, would you say it was a good essay? |
Just to expand on what Elation said:
Internet Explorer (IE) renders pages using it's own proprietary html standard. Unfortunatly, because IE has such a large market share, most people are forced to code using this proprietary standard. In effect, it is IE which is 'screwing up' the html; the funny part is that FireFox (FF) is reading and displaying the screwed up code correctly, as screwed up as it is supposed to be. FF, on the other hand, does a better job rendering html, css, and ECMAscript (javascript) than any other browser (that I have encountered). Further, because it reads it correctly, it also renders html quickly. Your connection speed is not the only thing which determines how fast a document loads, it also has a lot to do with the browser's ability to render quickly and correctly. Aside from all that, FF has several features which, individually, should be enough reason to foreswear any other browser: 1. Tabbed browsing. A must for dial up users. Let your other tabs load while you read the first one. Never wait for a page to load again. 2. Enhanced security. IE is a core part of the Windows desktop manager, does anyone else see the problem with this? 3. Customizable interface. I have one 'tool bar' on my FF. It has the menus (file, edit, etc.), the buttons (back, refresh, new tab, etc.), and the address bar all in one tiny spot, so I can save my monitor real estate for things I care about. No more Aim, Yahoo, Dog Pile, Scamware, Helpfull search, etc. tool bars. Really, the only thing staying with IE accomplishes is to perpetuate a proprietary html standard which miers the internet in the 4+ age. Though IE may have won the layers/div war, this is no reason to allow Microsoft to stagnate the internet with an anti-standard. |
IE for me Firefox wouldnt let me wath movies on sites cause of a so called "Missing Plugin" and i know for a fact i have the so called "Missing Plugin" because who doesnt have micromedia player i know i did and it said i didnt it pissed me off so i got rid of it and went back to IE.
wow u both are dumb guard u need to download for FIRE FOX NOT IE and thorq ur just carzy
National Guardsmen:
Go to macromedia's site, there's a link on the bottom left right hand side of the site, you can get flash and shockwave right now. You need different plugins for different browsers, which is why your IE version of flash player didn't show up in FF. who doesnt have micromedia player Macromedia flash player isn't a standard part of the Windows OS (At least, last time I checked... which, granted, was a while ago; it could have been added since, but I doubt it. anyway...), if you had it installed on your computer, it was probably because Del, Sony, Compaq, or whoever put together your computer, installed it themselves. |
people keep saying that i have problems with IE, i seem to be the last person to notice. in fact, i haven't noticed yet. when i do, i'll be sure to switch to firefox.
how different is tabbed browsing from having multiple windows open? because in IE, i just open a link in a new window if i need to, and i alt+tab back and forth between windows. i alt+tab back and forth between other programs, so i find it handy to do the same for web browsing. the standards are always the standards, and following the standards means that something is "right". however, following the standard doesn't make something good. so, just because something doesn't follow the standards, while that means its technically wrong, that doesn't make it bad. praising something for following the standards is rather dumb. suppose, for some reason, they changed the standard so that div tags should be rendered as they are rendered now, but should also delete the contents of your hard drive. in that case, would you rather use a standards-compliant browser? or one that doesn't follow the standards, but renders HTML in a way that makes sense, even if that means straying from the standards? of course, the standard would never be that wacky, but, the point is that following the standard isn't necessarily the best thing. "standards compliant" is a buzzword. i guess its two buzzwords. a buzz-phrase, if you will. and, people think that "standards-compliant" is something that is really good, when, it doesn't really mean anything until you look and wee what standards they are complying to. |