Well I thought I'd try something different, although chances are I will revert to my old one. The bases of the CSS were created by Foomer, as I had some trouble with the top image and was hopeless with the forums (Which still need some work). So I'm rather grateful.

C&C Much appreciates as usual, please point out anything wrong that I may have overlooked.
Looks cool
Where is our names, it is too bright by the way.
It's pretty nice, you just have to make the names in comments not white :P
Jeff8500 wrote:
It's pretty nice, you just have to make the names in comments not white :P

Yeah, working on that now >_>
Tidied it up a little, it didn't look right with the posts taking up most of the screen.

The forum is still needing a tad bit of work, when it is done, I'll find a use for it.
Looks awesome, when ya get time, think you could design me one... hehe.
Chris-g1 wrote:
Looks awesome, when ya get time, think you could design me one... hehe.

When I get the forum's sorted I may start doing some public ones in my spare time. If I do take any requests, it will only be from people who aren't complete imbeciles.

So either stop by my forum when it's up and running or I will send you a pager message when I get some extra time on my hands.
Makes me want to try my hand with photoshop again, nice work. Like the cleaness of the entire thing.
Danny Roe wrote:
Tidied it up a little, it didn't look right with the posts taking up most of the screen.

The forum is still needing a tad bit of work, when it is done, I'll find a use for it.

Finding a use for your guild often finds a use for a forum.

I like the old one better. I was really impressed with it. Mostly with the grays and corners and split design.
Hovering over links could probably use a lighter background shade, but other then that I love it!

Good work with simplistic, yet great layouts once again Danny! :)
You must make me one too, mine sucks. =(

I love yours!
I always love your header. You come up with the best quotes and images. I like the reflection on the silver plate.
Troy1121 wrote:
I always love your header. You come up with the best quotes and images. I like the reflection on the silver plate.

Heh, thanks. The header is where I put most of the work into (Graphic-wise).
You did edit all your css
Nice header