Today I had the latest build of DMO hosted. Which is essentially an unstable work-in-progress version. Although a decent amount of information was provided upon login(taking up 1/4 of the screen) it seemed to go completely unnoticed.

However, getting past the complaints and many rude and offensive 'reports' players left me; the test was rather successful. I gathered a decent amount of feedback about some changes and new features.

Most of the game appears to be stable, there is some work needed in various areas and definite lack of polish in others. I'll continue to chip away at these and host occasionally so we can get closer to the finished version.

I'll be approaching it in pieces, getting one piece complete at a time then moving on to the next section. Things like rankings and scores/medals are a little down the list but they'll be viewed eventually.

I have decided how I would like new graphics and map layouts to be, it's nothing amazing but it's another step towards completion. I'll seek out some graphic artists in the near future or just try to get it complete myself.

Thanks to all those who helped test and left bug reports.
Update byond! and it works!
Things seem to be working fine except a few bugs with the shadow cards and the search option on the deck editor is nowhere to be found.
Don't worry about the rude/offensive stuff Kajika. The majority of people are pleased and happy that DMO is back, those other ppl are in the minority.
There will always be those few who will criticize without construction. Their policy isn't

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," it's more like,

"If you can't say something nice, say it as loud as possible and offend as many people as you can."

Don't worry about them. The game is excellent.
im just glad its back
Thank you very much for bringing back DMO.
I'm looking forward to the future changes and i recon that it'll become better and better.
Great job.
glad dmo is back, but im having a problem seein the bottom of the screen, i cant see most of the message on the start up screen, and on the deck editor i miss a few cards at the end of the lists, for example i can only c one of the pieces of exodia in the 1st card pack. also, wen dueling my cards along with the phase/forfeit buttons are below the main screen on the black bit, is this normal or is there something wrong with mine?
Is your screen resolution 800x600? If so, then you'll probably have to change to the classic layout(Layout -> Classic). Also you could try disabling the Announcement Window(Layout -> Toggle Announce Box).

Sadly classic mode is really all I can do for people with such a low resolution, there's too much information to display in such a small area.
glad dmo is back, but im having a problem seein the bottom of the screen, i cant see most of the message on the start up screen, and on the deck editor i miss a few cards at the end of the lists, for example i can only c one of the pieces of exodia in the 1st card pack. also, wen dueling my cards along with the phase/forfeit buttons are below the main screen on the black bit, is this normal or is there something wrong with mine?
Should release the host files, so more people can play........ 40 is maybe good for the casuals like myself, but I know alot of hardcores and they'll play for hours and hours. And they end up flooding the server so no one gets in.
The game is very incomplete and not functioning as normal right now. Releasing host files every night instead of nightly test builds would be too much hassle.
Kajika you are the man. I can't say it any more plain than that. I've waited close to 4 and a half months to play this. (My computer was broken and then I came back online only to find out DMO was dead) So I thank you so much for finally getting it up and running again. Also I think being able to have the classic option is great because it's my favorite of the 2 versions. Hope things run smoothly for you and if you need a fourm for the game built don't hesitate to ask me. My email is [email protected] if your interested. PEACE
Kajika you are the man. I can't say it any more plain than that. I've waited close to 4 and a half months to play this. (My computer was broken and then I came back online only to find out DMO was dead) So I thank you so much for finally getting it up and running again. Also I think being able to have the classic option is great because it's my favorite of the 2 versions. Hope things run smoothly for you and if you need a fourm for the game built don't hesitate to ask me. My email is [email protected] if your interested. PEACE
sorry bout the now triple post i hit refresh on my browser so it re posted what i had put b4
I honestly saw no problems with the game but all i say that would be required is to contiune putting updates on it
Continue away Kaj, Im happy its back. Those months w/o it i wasn't mentally stable @_@.
Glad to see it up again! 8D
new style is awsome, but i found few things that annoyed me (one of them being it restarted my account auto)
DMO is down any idea when it would be up again.
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