Poll: Which one would you like better. English names for Jutsus or Japanese.
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Depending on the out come of this poll will depend on if I make the names in English or Japanese.
Japanese. Hands down.
However, you could do a combination. i.e, Shadow Clone no Jutsu. |
Id rather read it in normal english, seriously, having a bunch of japanese with a list of moves means you wont really know what is what. English, since most people on byond speak it, would be best.
Have some organization for them aswell, group them into thier elements. |
The ones they use all the time are easy but when it comes to skills that were only used once in the show, you have a problem there.
Couldn't a decent programmer have a language setting to where they could change from english to japanese? |
Look at it this way. If someone that has no clue what anime is and decides to play your game, they want to know what the hell they're doing.
Well, after reading over your comments. I will side with both sides giving the choice of English or Japanese.
One would think the obvious choice would be to use English in a predominantly English-speaking community.
And English dominates with almost 10:1. I'm not stating my choice of the two because I wanted to her the voice of the community because some people prefer the Japanese over the English and vice visa. So try and limiting down the whole "pointing a finger" lol
Exactly what IceWarrior said, why not let them do both? It's decent and you'll get more players by having both as a selection. IIRC, Tiberath is doing somethign similar for 'Isorath' and I reckon it'd be a good way to bring more players to a game. I know many who find it troublesome to speak English as it's not their mother-tongue.
Thumbs-up with both. (I voted Japanese though). |
But I will vote for Japanese considering you are making a game based an a japanese product. :P