Keywords: article, poll

Poll: What kind of theme would you go for?

Modern 6% (49)
Modern / Fantasy 14% (112)
Science Fiction? 13% (105)
Medieval 7% (60)
Medieval / Fantasy 38% (293)
Purely Fantasy 12% (94)
Or another? 7% (55)

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Personally I think for any RPG this tends to be something that either excites a user into playing, or turns them away. Having a time period theme, or era location is something I thought would make an interesting time towards BYOND RPG, and to get people's input on it.

So which do you prefer? What is it about these RPGs that have different themes, and time periods that you like the most?
Obviously there is more to think about them just having a theme and time period but if you think about it for a moment it seems kind of fun to stick to one theme for a game(Granted I haven't seen any that sort of mixes two of them either).

Utilizing a proper theme and using it in an RPG for most I would think is some of the fun. Users can be science fictional, purely fantasized(Playing as an Elf, Ogre, Imp, and so forth), or do you prefer something more modern? An RPG based on modern day life?

So by using this method do you like very stern beliefs in a certain time period as well? Or do you like the developer to make their own. Let us know!
Sorry if this isn't a grand article, this was just something that was on my mind when working on my RPG so I thought I'd submit it into a post.

Hope you guys find this interesting.

votes for medieval/fantasy
Don't forget post-apoc :)
Good post.
Science fiction. All the flexibility of a fantasy or medieval RPG, except not overused.

Modern RPGs don't really have much flexibility as far as storyline or gameplay goes unless they're military based.
I prefer to take the Chrono Trigger approach and include multiple. (IE: TOTEO, which is both Medieval-Fantasy and Post-Apoc Sci-Fi)
Aixelsyd wrote:
Modern RPGs don't really have much flexibility as far as storyline or gameplay goes unless they're military based.

I see your point, but, I dunno. You could do all kind of things with supernatural and/or superhero stuff + modern. There's also spy stories, too (although that's pretty close to military).

@Mecha: Yeah, CT was cool like that. You can get some pretty good sub-genres by mixing two of the classics above (eg. sci-fi + victorian history = steampunk). Alternate histories, etc. I always thought those were pretty cool.
You're right. I guess I wasn't completely thinking outside of the box, but superhero/supernatural RPGs could also lean towards science fiction.
Aixelsyd wrote:
You're right. I guess I wasn't completely thinking outside of the box, but superhero/supernatural RPGs could also lean towards science fiction.

With those I think it would be more fantasy really. Although depending on the storyline, and methods it could very possibly be both really.

I hate this- Medieval / Fantasy 50% (9)

Someone- please- make a good RPG that isn't set in a Medieval / Fantasy setting. PLEASE. I'm tired of Iron plate mail, Dragon sword and ... UGH GIANT RATS?!

Modern / Fantasy, only because It's hard to come across an RPG in this setting.
Tayoko wrote:
I hate this- Medieval / Fantasy 50% (9)

Someone- please- make a good RPG that isn't set in a Medieval / Fantasy setting. PLEASE. I'm tired of Iron plate mail, Dragon sword and ... UGH GIANT RATS?!

Modern / Fantasy, only because It's hard to come across an RPG in this setting.

Good to see I'm not alone.
I like a modern/post apoc/fantasy style of game, and that's how I normally run my D&D campaigns.
I tend to like the modern/futuristic/sci fi theme more than the rest. Medieval is definitely a bit played out.
SuperAntx wrote:

Good one.
I'm a fan of medieval fantasy but I tend to like more sci-fi rfuturistic kinds of stuff, but only if its based in some underwater world. Everything underwater is just much cooler.
Lord of light wrote:
Everything underwater is just much cooler.

Yeah, it occurs to me that I haven't seen too much of this (in games). It's actually a pretty brilliant setting. I mean, rpg combat tactics alone would literally have a new dimension, and, settings/atmosphere-wise, everything down there already seems pretty alien.
Mermen and krakens!

I like it.
TheMonkeyDidIt wrote:
Yeah, it occurs to me that I haven't seen too much of this (in games). It's actually a pretty brilliant setting.

Unfortunately, now that BioShock has done it, any attempt to do it will be called a rip-off. :P
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