So, I'm very happy. But I'm also running out of space on my desk.
Left to right:

My Japanese lamp that I've had for a few years.

My APC power surge protector (it weighs like 25 pounds, no joke) in the back, my house phone, and my G15 keyboard. Honestly, I'm not a gamer anymore(used to be), I use the macros all the way on the left for Photoshop Shortcuts. And by far this keyboard as lasted me the longest and is just great. If I have to buy another, I'll pay more then I paid when it first came out ($99) to get this same model. It also lights up and has a fancy LED with built in media player. Whooo.

My 24 inch wide screen monitor, under the monitor school hw paper, phone, external HDD and knife.

And last but not least, the tablet. And don't let that fool you, I have huge ass hands. I wear a size 15 ring size. You see the new tablet, mouse, pc in the background. And my Nikon D300 that I had to move out of the way so I wouldn't knock it down.
Also for those of you wondering, I got a Vistablet. Not a name-brand Wacom, I have tried Wacom, and they are indeed fancy. But not really for the price. The 24 inch monitor was a few, the D300 was a 2000+ value. But $99 for a I think, 5x5 it is tablet? I don't think so. Vistablet I got for 90 bucks cause I'm a college student, I think it's 130 normally. It's 12x11, and let me say it handles really nice. I can feel the pressure of the pen tip and everything. If you're looking for a cheap tablet, and want it to be a good size, I'd recommend it. My other 5x8 wasn't even a name brand. (had no name at all, actually...which is why I couldn't update the drivers) and worked fine.