I loved it, there were things that had to be changed in order to fit into a 3 hour movie but it was done masterfully. I loved the watchman graphic novel and this movie did justice to it, it really did.

I see on the internet people are complaining about certain trivial things, believe me if you are buying into the internet whining, this movie was good and you should see it. Some might be scared to see it, assuming it will be a travesty such as many adaptations, but It wasnt. People who say it was are just completely out of touch and unrealistic.

Some stuff was lost (SPOILERS):
-Most notably, the ending. The Giant squid that was supposed to trick everybody into thinking aliens attacked is replaced by something that I believe is more sensible and actually improves the Watchmen story, but most importantly It was more suited for the big screen adaptation. This was NOT a negative perversion of the original, it accomplished the same things and didnt harm the material at all I swear to god. Anybody who says otherwise is being far too picky and unrealistic.

- Captain Metropolis isnt included in the 1970s attempt to form a league of masked heroes in which Dr. Manhattan meets Silk SpectreII for the first time. Instead his character is never shown outside of 1940s flashbacks and his role in that meeting is absorbed by Adrian Veidt which didnt fit I felt as well as the overly optomistic Captain Metroplis, but it was done in such a way that the change can be excused.

-The incredible focus on unimportant characters such as the psychiatrist, newspaper vendor, etc have been completely removed and they no longer have prolonged scenes and character development in which they are the focus. Thank god for that, that would require an extra hour at least of scenes that wouldnt really work for a movie, people would criticize the watchmen as too long and too boring if these werent flattened out.

Im amazed, I really am, that this movie was able to do such a good job transferring such an amazing story to the big screen. In my opinion if Alan Moore never watches this movie and acknowledge that it wasnt bad, Ill be pissed off. If I was Alan Moore I would be so freaking ecstatic that such a faithful adaptation was made of such a difficult to portray graphic novel.'

If you havent seen the movie, GO WATCH IT BEFORE IT LEAVES THEATERS. Honestly.
Yeah, it's a cool movie.
man im really stoked for this film, im gonna finish reading the graphic novel before i watch it.
I never really understood the storyline. I tried to make sense of it but....not much luck haha. Could someone give me a long story short on the storyline?
Zach Smith wrote:
I never really understood the storyline. I tried to make sense of it but....not much luck haha. Could someone give me a long story short on the storyline?

What parts did you not understand? I haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know how hard it might be for people to follow who haven't read the comic.

In short: Edward Blake (The Comedian) discovers Adrian Veidt's plan to destroy New York with a fake psychic Alien Squid (though in the movie's case blow up a bunch of cities and blame Manhattan for it) to unite the world against a common enemy, and end the cold war. Veidt throws him out a window, and the whole story follows the characters as they unravel what happened and why the Comedian was murdered. All the while exploring their backgrounds. It ends with the plan working, and everyone agreeing to keep it a secret in order to maintain the peace it brought, except Rorschach who is then vaporized by Manhattan. Poor Rorschach.

Maggeh wrote:
Zach Smith wrote:
I never really understood the storyline. I tried to make sense of it but....not much luck haha. Could someone give me a long story short on the storyline?

What parts did you not understand? I haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know how hard it might be for people to follow who haven't read the comic.

In short: Edward Blake (The Comedian) discovers Adrian Veidt's plan to destroy New York with a fake psychic Alien Squid (though in the movie's case blow up a bunch of cities and blame Manhattan for it) to unite the world against a common enemy, and end the cold war. Veidt throws him out a window, and the whole story follows the characters as they unravel what happened and why the Comedian was murdered. All the while exploring their backgrounds. It ends with the plan working, and everyone agreeing to keep it a secret in order to maintain the peace it brought, except Rorschach who is then vaporized by Manhattan. Poor Rorschach.

Oh ok that helps, I'll research the characters. Thanks Maggeh
I'm actually going to see it today
I saw it yesterday afternoon, and I loved it!

I'm a very recent Watchmen fan... As in, so recent that I didn't even know it existed before the trailers for the movie first hit theaters... But as soon as I saw the trailer, and then began seeing so much praise for the comic, I ran out and picked up a copy, and read it over a few days with barely putting it down... I was instantly hooked!

So then the movie finally came, and I was very impressed with how closely they stuck to the source material... Far too often, a movie based on an existing work will drift so far from the source that it's hardly recognizable (see: Mario Bros, DBZ, etc.), but that's definitely not the case here!

Obviously, there's a huge, glaring change at the end, but I'm with Masterdan on this one...

When I was reading the novel, and it got to that point (or, to the point when I began to guess what was coming), I was left with a strong "WTFBBQ?" feeling... The squid's cool and all, but it just seemed so damn silly to It was a jarring departure from the rest of the story, I felt... I guess it sort of fits the underlying sense of humor of the comic, but it just left me scratching my head...

So on one hand, I'm a bit disappointed that they made such a huge change to the source, but on the other, I think that it might have actually been (dare I say it? dare I blaspheme thus?) an improvement!

And the fact that they made a virtually seamless swap of that element, without disturbing too much of anything else around it made it that much more excusable...

But all in all, though, this was an excellent adaptation of an excellent graphic novel!
i liked it, didnt like seing the dicks ever 10 minutes though.
Dr. Manhattans Manhood > Yours

shhhhh u wasnt spose to tell anyone "runs away crying"