Yeah, but it's in most games, and with that, comes realism, there's a fine line between, too kiddy, and too violent, i think there will be a point and time, when Mario will be this rugged, battle hardened plummer, similar to Solid Snake, and mario will go around shooting people with a AK-47, that's when i'm on Nintendo's band Wagon.
See and the cool thing is that Byond Members' opionons matter more than others, because if I were to take a vote on whose opinions mattered on blog posts, it would obviously be done on a blog post. Few non-members would read it, and when they did they'd vote "equal", but 100 Members would vote "Members Superior", and we'd NOT ONLY have majority rule, but as I said we're already cooler so that'd further influence our evil plot to rule the wo--Member pages.
So Kalizen doesn't matter :D |
Yeah, but that's from most people's perspective, i like MGS, it's not -that- bloddy, it's not too kiddy, i don't like mario, i used to when i was 9 years old, but i think i've grown out of it, I still like Zelda, Metroid Prime, is a somewhat original FPS, that's trying to keep up with halo.
One game that pissed me off was prince of persia, that was totally unoriginal, to mix blood with sand, i mean, you killed a enemie, you see some sand, and blood squirting everywhere, that's my idea of unnnecessary violence. |
Trying to keep up with Halo?
WHAT. THE. GRIS. Halo sucks. You NEVER compare Metroid Prime to an underdog such as Halo. Halo is the worst FPS, EVER. I have better FPSs on my TI-84+SE! That's aside the point, Metroid Prime kicked Halo's ass. End of story. |
Its not unnecessary violence, its the act of a video game trying to keep a T rating; because if freaking Dragon Quest 1&2 gets a T rating, anything can be M.
Dragon Quest 1&2's most violent part had to be when you cast Explodet on "Sidoh" (I still say "Malroth" is cooler) and there's tiny little popping animations all over the screen >_> but oh well this isn't about ratings, and we all know they're screwed up anyway. |
So, i think if we had a Poll i think itw would be a close match between Nintendo and Sony, Microsoft really ins't surprising anyone, i played Madden 06, and i saw nothing that made me jump on their band wagon, same with NFS:MW, i think nintendo fans have to be somewhat intrigued by nintendo's original ideas, but i just don't feel the need to take the unneccesary risk, i know 90% of what i'm getting with a Ps3, but i don't know exactly what i'd be getting myself into when and if i buy a Nintendo:R, i'm not a nintendo killer, i'm not a sony "Fanboy" i just look at things from a critic's standpoint.
I have better FPSs on my TI-84+SE! You can code FPS' on a calculator? all I know how to do is code in the quadratic formula *cries* (its a TI-82 rented from the school so I have no way of linking it or anything :( ) |
Lol @ Hell ramen.
I wouldn't go THAT far as to calling Halo the worst FPS ever, be careful you'd have Halo fanboys sending you death threats and i love you viruses in your E-mail. :P Halo, is nothing special, you ride around in a "WartHog" and shoot aliens, big whoop. Half-Life 2 > Metroid Prime > Halo > halo2 |
lolololol. No.
More like: Half-Life 2 > Metroid Prime > Dog crap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>> Scratching fingernails on a chalkboard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>> To the infintieth power >>>>>>>>>>>> Halo > halo2 |
A end-of world theory as to a outbreak of a species, that you take the role of a scientist, named Gordon Freeman, and save a city and the world from ALIENS, but hey, i know what you're trying to say, there's a big difference, Halo is pointless, Hal-Life 2 has much more meanig to it, and you shoot and kill aliens in metroid prime as well. So <_<.
I haven't played Halo or Halo 2 I dunno what they're about either; I just fail to see how it can be so much better than Metroid Prime that it must be repeated so often =/
A lot of the people I know hate these people