Okay, today really urked me and I'm not going to be the same for quite a while. I can only hope I can bring up the motivation to do what's important.

Anyways, I need something to get my mind off of today's events... So I bring you what I think the real reason for "Nintendo winning the console race".

Simple as this:

Think about Nintendo's demographic. Now think about sony's and microsoft's.

Here is my guess:

X-Box appeal: Low, games can be easily found on other systems, and games appeal to a limited audience.
Sony appeal: Medium, Sony appeals to a wider range than XBox, but still makes little effort to break into other demographics.
Nintendo: High, although it lacks just a little bit in the demographic sony mainly has, Nintendo's demographics span so widely it more than makes up for it.

I think this is the main reason. Nintendo games appeal to larger audiences, especially when they try to keep their parental guidence ratings lower. Nintendo games also appeal much, much more with older people and females.

Why do I say this? Because I don't think Nintendo has done all too much better than anyone else with making good games, I see as many good nintendo ones as sony ones.

XBox, on the other hand, appeals to the same audience as Sony (Maybe reaching a tad younger as well, but not much more than that), but they don't have nearly the selection of games.
Yep, Nintendo > Sony > Google (how'd that get there. >_>) > Some Random Stuff > Microsoft
It all depends on the genre you favor. The sports fans are going to pour in Xbox 360s and PS3s. The shooter fans of Socom and Call of Duty will weigh heavily on 360 and PS3, so I can't see Nintendo's classics over ruling the base of todays gaming.
But the Revolution controller looks like the thing Homer Simpson was using to adjust his hospital bed last night...

"Bed goes up, bed goes down. Bed goes up, bed goes down."
Wouldn't it be more likely for shooters to go to the revolution due to the whole "light gun" thing?

I see what you did here, Cowdude.
I don't see :(
FINALLY, people that agree with me that Microsoft loses the console battle! I had a whole argument discussion in wiz_chat, telling people that Sony and Nintendo are much better off than Microsoft. What did I get? A bunch of Halo 2 fanboys! From Nintendo, I look forward to their future Sonic games and Super Smash Bros. Revolution, and from Sony I'm mainly looking forward to their RPGs(Final Fantasy, mostly!). Of course, I can't imagine what it would be like if I had played Sonic Adventure 2: Battle(GCN) with a remote, and hope that that dumb thing doesn't interfere with my playing-happiness, but meh.

I never did like Xbox, I suppose. First game I got was this Bruce Lee game, but was sorely depressed at how bad it was. Then, of course, I got games like Outlaw Golf, Outlaw Volleyball, SpiderMan, Batman, Halo, Fable, etc....SpiderMan was probably the most enjoyable of all...that, or Fable.
omg but..Halo 2! that one game alone makes X-Box totally cooler than Nintendo and Sony, despite the Super Smash Bros. games, the Final Fantasy games, the Dragon Quest games, and a lot more serieses.

Then again I can't say anything because I haven't played Halo 2 so maybe they're right haven't played it but you call it cool?
The first part was sarcasm o_O
I see what you did here again, Cowdude.
What did I do?!?!?!??! :( :( :(
Face it, Cowdude, your subconscious is just too smart for you. It keeps doing things without you realising.

I've never seen the appeal of either Halo game. It's just another cookie-cutter shooter, guys. THERE IS NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT IT.

But if you point that out to any resident fanboys, they jump on top of you shouting "OMG BLASPHEMY HALO IS TEH BEST0RZ!!!" It's a bit like trying to convince the members of a cult that their leader is exploiting them. Actually, no, I take that back; it's exactly like trying to convince the members of a cult that their leader is exploiting them.
hey so that's how subconscious is spelled. *remembers*
My 72 year old grandmother just went out and got a Nintendo Gameboy SP for $80(and some games). I convinced her to pay $40 more and get a DS.

Enough said.
Yep, Nintendo FTW!

Also, Crispy, can you carry my children which PirateHead/Ter13/Thorg aren't already carrying?

kthnx, Ramen
It's already known that i'm getting a Ps3, i just can't miss out on the future Tekken, Metal gear Solid, Final fantasy, and the first successful 3-D STREET FIGHTER game, and not to mention Soul Calibur 4, Also, i will buy my first Socom game, for the Ps3, lookie, i have a ton of FPS's to choose from Killing Day, Killzone, and many others, i've seen gameplay vids of heavenly sword, if you like God of War, Heavenly Sword>God of War, and God of War was pretty damn good. Also, Warhawk is a must have!
Damn, the thing that pissed me off about the Xbox, is that one of their big games, "Gun" got horrible reviews from all review mags, well most, it got 1 or 2 80s.

So, Sony > Microsoft
Also, Sony and Xbox games appeal to a more younger audience since, most young people don't have SNES games to playback on a nintendo:R, and most kids are attracted to violence and death, rather than a Mario and Kirby, well Zelda looks like the best title since it's going to have violence in it.

Sony: Revolutionary, of a sort, doesn't take that many unneccesary risks, but doesjust enough, to keep people excited, it has the game quality, gameplay, and graphics to get almost anyone to jump on their band wagon(me).

Nintendo: Are for old school gamers who still want to play Mario games, and kirby games, their basically games that you can play with your family, which little 3 year olds can pick up and play, but in the end, people want to see hardcore graphics, and bloodshed.

Microsoft: Depends on their rather medium fan base, from the success of the firt Xbox, but they really don't have -that- much to offer, lthough they have most of the publicity now, it's really Sony and Nintendo's ball game.
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