I put up a snippet for a song called, "Change". It's mainly about how Hip-Hop music today just isn't the same as it used to be. I think the chorus came out pretty good. It's just something I decided to do differently with my voice and such. You can check it out if you wish. The complete song will be up much later, when complete. So, below is the link to my MySpace and the song is either at the top or bottom of the list.

Change Snippet -

(Don't forget to check out some of my other tracks on there as well, thanks!)
Hiphop's message has remained the same, it never has changed. The only thing thats changed is the way that message is presented. Now instead of Ice Cube rapping it you have T Pain singing it through a filter with a shitload of reverb.

Your opinion is void.
That is not even close to the truth.
Like the chorus, but not a big of fan of your actual rapping voice, maybe time for a different approach?
Nah, this song isn't to be taken serious. I was just testing different styles and tones with my voice. My normal songs are fine.