DC1 and I are sitting back for a bit until we can find dedicated staff to join us and pick up production. I have stopped completely because so far we've had members join, and then disappear. I'll publicly announce who has joined and left. I wouldn't recommend any of them for your games either.

-The List-
ArchaicMatt Made about 4 icons.
Aries Did nothing but collect our gameplay document.
Axiom Did nothing but collect our gameplay document.
Koshigia Didn't do a thing.

So, I would like to get anyone who is interested in a great concept for an action/rpg like expereience, to join us! We have 3 positions open, however, they can and have been covered by myself and DC1 for a while now. The open positions are:

1 Programmer (Working on the core engine, battle system, and various systems to make Street Life come to life)
1 Pixel Artist (Working along side myself with Interior/Exterior & Base Editing)
1 GFX Artist (Working on Interface Design & Misc GFX for Street Life)

If you somehow fit these positions, and are talented, please apply! We could use you. We have a forum & website already as well. I really want this out, but working alone only goes so far!