Do I have opinions on what I believe to be right and what I believe to be wrong? You bet your ass. Do I believe that my opinions are always correct? Hell no. Yes, I realize that I do put faith in my opinions and I will believe in them whole heartedly. But I'm not going to argue with you and try and convince you that you are wrong and I am right when I don't really know myself.

I am a democrat. I don't hate republicans and I don't think they are dumb because (most of) their beliefs are grounded in logic. For instance, I understand the trickle-down theory and I see how it theoretically could work. I personally don't believe it does work, but I am not going to try and convince you it doesn't work. If we were debating, I would point out that you don't truly know if the trickle-down theory really works or not though.

I honestly do not understand people's obsession with being right and proving other people wrong. I do understand refuting illogical theories, but there are so many things being debated in this day and age that people can't possibly know.

Example: The stimulus package. The two opposing sides have their beliefs which cannot be proven wrong. Either the government doesn't pass it, thus saving taxpayer's money in the long run, or the government intervenes and attempts to save businesses, thus keeping more people employed. The thought behind the latter option is that if businesses do not fail and people retain jobs, the economy will overall be better and in the end more wealth will be generated (thus taxes paid) and the US will be better in the end.

Don't tell me you KNOW which option is better. You don't. Neither do I. Nor do 'economic experts'. Get over it. It's ok to not know some things for sure. You don't need to have a strong opinion on all things in order to be considered alive.

"Well I am certainly wiser than this man. It is only too likely that neither of us has any knowledge to boast of; but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance. At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know." -- Socrates, “The Apology,” 21d