I'm pretty much just another guy whining for a membership. Mines expiring in about a week so I wouldn't mind handling an assignment that has the value of $15.
- I don't use dmi, all icons will be in png format.
- I think in terms of 0.50 cents per frame (32x32) a price which is obviously effectuated by artistry (i.e. time intensive hairs).
- Depending on how well I know you or how well you're known I'd like the membership purchased prior to accepting the my work (Especially, if your key is barely even two years old) obviously you'll get a sample first.
- The job will be done right.
http://www.byond.com/members/PixelArt/ forum?action=forum_search&forum=0&author=Hulio-G&words=&phra se=&idx=
Contact Info:
Email/Msn: [email protected]
AIM: Murderous978 (I'd rather msn...)
![]() Feb 19 2009, 9:06 pm
memberships are 18 now.
Woodz gave you a sick rank lol.
You guys should seriously take advantage of his prices... Really cheap :) |
You're now my art slave! I'll pay for some work, I need some turfs (like 1 or 2), a base (simple, I'd say about 9 frames), a building tileset (like, maybe 6 usable tiles, I'm not going for anything more than your average building), and the remainder in attacks.
Zack101 wrote:
If I had any money, I'd give it to you free W00dy. :< That's not woodz, that's me. |
add my msn [email protected]