Keywords: dvorak, qwerty

Poll: Dvorak or QWERTY?

Dvorak 5% (1)
QWERTY 95% (19)

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Okay. I'm curious to know, what are the advantages to QWERTY vs. Dvorak? I heard Dvorak is much nicer for speed, and I'm starting to feel slow with my hands on a QWERTY.
Does anyone have Dvorak that would speak? Someone that's used both?
Never even heard of Dvorak, so I choose QWERTY.

EDIT: I wish I could take my vote back, after seeing one of those keyboards, I kind of wish I had one.
Something about DVORAK makes it easier to work with for people with really good typing skills. It might be because of the distance of key letters.
Vexonater wrote:
Something about DVORAK makes it easier to work with for people with really good typing skills. It might be because of the distance of key letters.

That's what I've heard as well. I want one just to try it out.
For those wanting to try the Dvorak layout, you can do so relatively easy (and for free!) by going into Control Panel>Regional and Language Options>Language Tab>Details Button>Add Button (in theInstalled Services box), and add the Dvorak layout (it comes built-in in modern Windows versions, and just needs to be activated)

Then, as for the keyboard itself, you have a few options:

1) If your keys are uniform in size (IE, all squares of the same dimensions), you can just pop them off, and put them back on in the correct layout (you can find Dvorak layout diagrams around the internet; the Wikipedia entry has one)

2) You could get some sticker paper and print new "overlays" for your keys to change them to the new ones

3) Simply memorize the Dvorak layout, and ignore the letters printed on your existing keys

So no need to wish you had a Dvorak keyboard... You can do-it-yourself!
Yeah, but I'm laaaaaazy. No, I'm kidding. I'm actually dis-assembling my second keyboard as I type this post.