Simply answer true/false as a comment for each question, if you belive slightly different, feel free to mention it in your post, nothing is absolute.
1.) I believe that while people have a major part in the quality of their lives, that external factors, such as prejudice, inherited wealth, and biological factors can influence success greatly.
2.) Knowledge changes rapidly, Things that seem certain now can and will change in the future. Never assume you are always right.
3.) Everyone should try their best to be a positive part of other's lives.
4.) My successes in life were built on the backs of those who supported me, such as family and friends. Anything I do will involve other people's ideas and inventions, and as such, I should give back something to society.
Where am I going with this? You'll see.
Vexonater wrote:
Parodies are my job. :( It's a booming industry, room for everyone |
(Damnit i didnt know somebody made a rebuttle post already)
1)Absolutely 2) Absolutely, Knowledge is often not self evident, take physics and the move away from newtonian physics into quantum physics as we learn more about more macro and micro variables. 3) Of course 4) You could be a hard worker and still die of hunger, we can all agree that inequality plagues the nature of humanity. |
1: I don't agree.
2: I don't agree. 3: I don't agree. 4: I don't agree. 1: Everyone's idea of success is different. You think a wife and kids, millions of dollars and a fantastic company CEO job is success. I think success is owning a house. These factors might influence your idea of success, but mine would be completely unconcerned (with exception to inheritance, to which it would help pay for part of the house). 2: Some facts can change. But your statement sums up to "everything changes". This is untrue. 3: You can't judge someone's state of mind. Perhaps Person A likes being alone. Person B's attempts to influence their lives by "being a positive part of it" could end up hurting Person A more than aiding Person A. The assumption "everyone should be best friends with everyone" is ludicrous and annoying. 4: That's you. What about the people who refuse charity from friends and family? The people who truly try to make it on their own, with their own ideas. There are too many different people in the world to say this is a definitive truth. |
2) True
3) True
4) True
Truth, truth, and nothing but the truth.