so yea.....first post lol
Can you host my Naruto Game or my bleach
yo flame on pokemon bloodstone can u ban people cause i think u banned me or mabye brandon did but can u try to unban me cause i have no idea what i could have done to get banned
Hello. You may not know who I am, but I would like to apologize for the invasion of Pokemon Bloodstone that occured yesterday. The owner of the game who planned the invasion has been acting odd lately, and many of the players are currently protesting him due to some stolen sprites. On behalf of the entire game, I am sorry.
so wusodoolo can u unban m and let me play bloodstone
I can't get on blood stone for some reasdon it said faild.
i cant get on blood stone is said concetion failed
y cant i log in.... it says failed
i cant log in it failed
Can you code for my dragonball game then Adde me in Msn on [email protected]
i cant get on
it said failed
Flame plz i cant get on the fuckin game
When it says failed it means that the game is not ON!
awesome gammes
flame the server failed
come on flame get new fuckin server
damn ur fuckin internt connection
flame... you suck! jk ily
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