Silkwizard is the greatest.

He gloats about how intellectual he is, but I've yet to see him explain his views, and he'll attack an argument on some stupid sticking point, then ignore the rest and declare himself the champion.

Better yet, is that while I can't comment on his programming skills,all of Silk's games are thinly veiled 2d clones of mainstream games.

I would say that Silk is the Tim B^ckley of byond.
Popisfizzy wrote:
I'm curious, is this whole "fantasizing" thing a defense mechanism so that you can completely avoid criticism, or responding to it?

I'll tell you what, I'll give you a serious response:

Over the years, I've had plenty of "haters", just as I've had plenty of fans. Ever since the BYOND blogs started up, I'm likely the most talked about/controversial figure on here... which is amusing to me, seeing as I've never made a blog post directly insulting anyone, nor have I gone out of my way to antagonize any one individual. I've shot back plenty of jabs at people in blog comments etc. when defending myself, but I've never started a fight :)

Now, there are plenty of BYONDers whom I just automatically ignore... as in if I see their name at the top of a comment or blog entry, I don't even bother reading it. I consider these people a "lost cause", which either means that they are too incredibly stupid or too much of a troll to even waste my time with.

I think that that Masterdan kid has actually posted way more blog entries about me in the past few months than you have... but I'm 90% sure that he's actually Autistic (or somewhere on the spectrum), and if not then he's got an IQ of about 90, so he goes into the "lost cause" category.

You, on the other hand, are fun to tease. You seem fairly intelligent, but you just get so worked up about everything! Your problem is that you have such a gross misunderstanding of me and my philosophy that you go into a rage if someone even mentions my name.

In other words, you hate me more than anyone else on here ever has. Because it's hard for me to fathom how it would even be possible to feel such a strong emotion towards an anonymous online personality, you are something of a curiosity to me. It's fun to push your buttons! However, whenever I get bored with you, I'm sure that I'll just start ignoring you like all of the others.

**Edit** My best guess is that you're probably a decent guy in real life, even if you're a horse's ass online. Perhaps that's part of the reason you aren't a "lost cause" yet in my book :)
Techgamer wrote:
I would say that Silk is the Tim B^ckley of byond.

Hey, no, bad. Bad, bad. Tim Buckley is amazing. There's just a waste of life online that stole his name and decided to shit all over it.
Autistic? Is that how you respond to evidense proving that you are wrong? Ouch. I thought objectivists werent suppost to resort to irrational personal attacks and were supposed to stick to logic. And yet, here we are and I am the one following the tenets of logic and you are following the tenets of douchebag.

I felt that silk's wall of text is too much for most Byond readers, so I shortened it and translated it into english.

I'm likely the most talked about/controversial figure on here...

"I've got a huge ego, and nobody really cares about me unless I'm making stupid political statements, or making posts about my games."

I've never made a blog post directly insulting anyone, nor have I gone out of my way to antagonize any individual.

"I look down on others, since I have a giant inflated ego, but I don't count those comments as insulting, because they are below me."

Now, there are plenty of BYONDers whom I just automatically ignore...

"Anyone who doesn't fellate me or Rand isn't worth my time"

I think that that Masterdan kid has actually posted way more blog entries about me in the past few months than you have... but I'm 90% sure that he's actually Autistic (or somewhere on the spectrum), and if not then he's got an IQ of about 90, so he goes into the "lost cause" category.

"I'm a giant douchebag, so I'm going to make comments on somebody who disagrees with me politically, and imply that he isn't smart or sane enough to get my brilliant views"

You seem fairly intelligent, but you just get so worked up about everything! Your problem is that you have such a gross misunderstanding of me and my philosophy that you go into a rage if someone even mentions my name.

"Pop makes good points against me, and I can't imply that he is stupid, so I'll imply that he is simply misguided, and with proper training, will become a proper Rand drone"

In other words, you hate me more than anyone else on here ever has.

"Did I mention I had a big ego?"

Because it's hard for me to fathom how it would even be possible to feel such a strong emotion towards an anonymous online personality

"I get so emotionally invested in my stupid political arguments that I assume everyone else feels the same way"

It's fun to push your buttons!

"I can tell people's emotions through the internet"

**Edit** My best guess is that you're probably a decent guy in real life, even if you're a horse's ass online. Perhaps that's part of the reason you aren't a "lost cause" yet in my book :)

"Join ussssss Join usssss!"

Popisfizzy wrote:
Techgamer wrote:
I would say that Silk is the Tim B^ckley of byond.

Hey, no, bad. Bad, bad. Tim Buckley is amazing. There's just a waste of life online that stole his name and decided to shit all over it.

You know which one I was talking about ;)
SilkWizard wrote:
but I'm 90% sure that he's actually Autistic

Business major, so, honestly, very close.

Your problem is that you have such a gross misunderstanding of me and my philosophy that you go into a rage if someone even mentions my name.

Actually, I hate your arrogance and I hate your ego, and the same goes for everyone else that flaunts both around here. Masterdan, Falacy, and you all do it, and I find it incredibly annoying, hence the attacks.

In other words, you hate me more than anyone else on here ever has.

I know there are others that hate Masterdan just as much as I do, and I hate you no more and no less than the aformentioned two (and others that have left and gone). Egotistical arrogance drives me insane, and I like to try and knock those people down a peg or two. It's just that people like you three tend to be too thick to knock down a peg.
Popisfizzy wrote:
Egotistical arrogance drives me insane, and I like to try and knock those people down a peg or two. It's just that people like you three tend to be too thick to knock down a peg.

Oh, I know it drives you insane :)

Once you realize that my ego is completely impervious to anything you could ever say or do, you'll be a lot happier.

I'm not familiar with "Falacy", but you can at least take some consolation in the fact that people like Masterdan don't have an ego built upon a sense of self worth or accomplishment. Instead, they constantly seek the validation of others in order to convince themselves that they have worth. A person who operates under such a facade is not satisfied with themselves, and is only as confident in their work as other people let them be.

In other words, people like that don't have self esteem, so there really isn't anything there for you to despise.
When are you going to address the issue of me proving you wrong SilkWizard? I thought your philosophy of objectivism regards above all else rationality and logic. Why then do you resort to personal attacks instead of addressing the valid point I made about the great depression or the Stimulus package?

On top of that, to assume I dont have a sense of accomplishment in real life is silly, first all you know about me is that I keep kicking your ass at political arguments but really nothing else. I dont have to do much to have more accomplishments than a Youtube actor whos biggest accomplishment in life is "Beach Fort".

Also, Business majors are the most people skill oriented of all the majors. Why would you make the comparison between Autism of all things and Business, thats new to me. It works for Computer Science and Engineering but for us you have to make jokes about us managing dairy queens or something, those jokes dont really work when I already have a job though.. they burned in 2nd and 3rd year though.
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