Keywords: misc
Heh, is the last picture on the bottom based on Morrowind? Orinator shooting a hadoken at some dude dressed in glass armor?
Yuuupp, It was made for some sort of contest on a runescape forum...

I began making pixel art forum signatures as a way to earn GEE PEEE for runescape....such noobish beginnings.
Seems you liked dithering quiet abit then also lol.
Ohoo don't even make me pull out my old garbage.
Lol you can really see one's improvement by looking back, you used to band a lot and have very little contrast if any, all the mistakes all of use go through xD. When I clicked the last one I though it was a pikachu with a human body lol

While Am at it i ll post some of my old junk that way you don't feel alone in this!
... that first one is the most ridiculously indulgant, stereotypical nerd fantasy scene ever. She just need pointy ears it it'd be a perfect match. <_<
Popisfizzy wrote:
... that first one is the most ridiculously indulgant, stereotypical nerd fantasy scene ever. She just need pointy ears it it'd be a perfect match. <_<

AmonR wrote:
Ohoo don't even make me pull out my old garbage.

Doooo it. =p

haha, YES, its so very horrible, and indeed, that first signature is the pinnacle of a Runescape Nerd's fantasy.
runescape...I was a beast at that game.
When you say that stuff like that is awful, you know you're in the big leagues of pixel art.
Noottt quite, I still have LOADS of improvement space.