This guild is as dead as roadkill. I did a couple of things to increase this guilds activity;
Normal members can now Submit Games. The games can only be Original and made from scratch with the acception of work that has been allowed to be used.
Normal Members can also make Blog Post about Original Games and constructive critism.
Last but not least I will be Opening Forums later this week so that people could talk freely about Games and whatever! I'll also be cleaning up the guild a little including the CSS and more! So please feel free to join!
Remember! Original Nation Is Where All The Original Gamers Hang!
Feb 9 2009, 12:41 pm (Edited on Feb 9 2009, 2:11 pm)
Feb 9 2009, 1:17 pm
Ok.. nice how do people join
Minor Set-back. I wonder why, Goku joined. Ill see if I can fix it. Keep trying.
Wow your under fans. I'll add you manually ;) In the meantime ill check out that unfortunate problem.
You can't submit games as a normal member yet aswell. The Join button appeared for me now, as you can see.