I hate RewardHits. So do you. We're all tired of people posting their dumb links in their blogs. Apaprently RewardHits also hates them, because if they get a large number of hits from one IP, it freezes their account. So, I bring you RewardHits killer.

Edit: Final version, clear your caches for a new screen shot.

Add numerical IDs to the list. Double click them to remove them. The combo box sets an interval. Fun, fun, fun!

Ping their site every ten seconds for five hours and I'm sure they'll never post that stupid link again. >:-D


If you're missing "MSVBVM60.DLL," you can find it at download.php?msvbvm60download0UFeXBUGkV



haha. Nice.
Haha. What a waste of life you are my friend. If you don't care about something thats posted, just don't read it. I mean really, does it take that much sense? And to go out of your way to make a program to attempt to shutdown someones account? Really kid, you gotta find something to do. Apparently Byond isn't a hobbie for you, its life.
This program was written in Visual Basic. ;-)
I declare this program:
Ramen approved
it took more time for you to create that account than it took for someone to get it frozen, and what did you get out of it? you're not the only one that needs to find something to do ;-)
xD I made headlines! And I even got to have my name first =D
omg my account! zomg i h8 you.

*5 mins later*

i <3 Benji
Ping all you want! My account is going strong! w000000t More cash for meh....if it holds up!
Awesome idea. RewardHits must die. =)
Lol thats cool. Ben G, where'd you get that windows skin?
Style XP is much smaller, easier, and requires less programs as I've come to find. They also have full styles that change all styles, which may be more user friendly for people who really don't get the use. Windows Blinds offers many more features, but me and my friends seem to prefer the sleekness of Style XP.

My winamp, firefox, and winXP skins. :)