Yeah, you said: "I know what the hell I'm talking about, child."
That's not implying a person is childish ... what you did was NAME me a child.
Here you are talking about proper terminology as if you know it backwards in and out, and you can't even properly phrase that sentence without naming me a child, instead of saying I'm LIKE a child. That's also what I meant by not knowing a simile.
But what if I am a child? When it's juvenile to even call somebody that over a game forum.
Anyway, better I'm a 13 year old kid acting like a 13 year old kid, than some 'adult' who acts like he's 16 :P
Your Childish for calling him a nerdy thug. I'm pretty sure calling you a child was a metaphor rather than a similie though Fizz. Both of you are remarkable for staying up this late over this silly dispute/debate on my blog.
I called you a child. 'round these here parts we done normally call that thar sort er thing an insult, but I do'know 'bout you. If I weres ter say, "I know what I'm talking about, idiot." would you say that ain't a insult but kinjecture? Yea, I di'nt think ser.
Hilariously awkward dialogue aside, it is an insult. It's not a conjecture; it's not a simile. It is an insult. There is no use of "like" or "as". If anything, and this is by a ridiculous manipulation and stretching of possible definitions of terms (though you've already done such a thing), it would be a metaphor. But even then, it is not. The term that is commonly-used for a situation like this, and the term that is, in fact, correct, is a magical little word called "insult".
I am insulting you, by comparing your intellect to that of a child.
Ignoring the fact that the second part of that is a sentence fragment, doesn't convey a complete thought, and, even using descriptivist linguistics, is incorrect, are you somehow implying insulting me by calling me a "nerdy thug" is somehow inherently better? How wonderfully hypocritical of you. That's twice now.
But, really, it's not very "juvenile" (hey, you used a word right for once!) as you are acting like a child. You barge in throwing around terms you don't know, complaining about me switching one letter in a word, and then claiming that all this demonstrates I have no knowledge of what I'm talking about, when you have done each one in this blog (it's a blog, not a forum, and not terribly related to gaming).
All this really sounds like things a child would do because they can't argue well and don't know what they're talking about.
I'm 18 and acting like anyone else when wheh they are being annoyed by a little kid that is incessantly pestering you, claiming the high ground, yet demonstrates with every single remark they make that they do nothing but revel and relish in their ignorance.
I will say it once more: Put your tail between your legs and get out of here. You have no idea what you're talking about. At least four times you have used words you do not understand and at least twice you have been downright hypocritical. The one mistake I have made is using a "u" where I should have used an "e". You are a fool and an idiot that hasn't a single idea what the words he types are supposed to mean. Get out of here you little boy, and come back when you have hair on your balls and cells in that empty space in your head.