Fray currently has some basic interfaces and unit selection. Clicking and dragging the mouse will let you select a large group of units. Clicking a single units will select it or deselect it. Double clicking a unit will select all of the same type of unit within range. Not only that, but you can hold the CTRL button to single click units one at a time without the old units deselecting, or deselect one unit at a time.
When you select units, their portraits along with their health bars are displayed on the interface. The type of information displayed depends on how many units you have selected. If you have more than one unit selected, you will get a list of the units. If only one unit is selected, you will get more information about that unit such as its damage and armor.
Upon selection, commands the unit or group of units can do are displayed on the interface which can then be clicked by the player to tell the units what to do.
Here is a new screenshot of some of the new features:
The area where the units are displayed on the interface is a very important area. The information displayed here will change based on what the player is doing. Currently only multiple unit selection and single unit selection interfaces are displayed here, but later on, building information, training queues, and more will also be displayed here.
Here are the two selection interfaces currently added:
So what is with the red outline around the map? Well, the background is red temporarily so it sticks out to be better viewable when editing the interface. But the one pixel outline around the map is reserved for hopefully a new BYOND feature that was recently suggested. What feature? Client mouse procs being called from interface components. Why? Hopefully so when the player moves their mouse to the edge of the screen, the screen will move in that direction. But the desired effect can only happen if those new features are added, so we'll see.
Please note that the graphics shown above are temporary art and all information is subject to change.
Be sure to join the group to stay up to date about the progress of Fray. There is much more to come!
Asfar as the current placeholder art..
Invest in a good artist, It will -really- make a diference in the end.