
Poll: Take a pick.

dbz ultimite flash by Mesosmartie 0% (0)
Icon Chatterz by Light_Samurai 8% (4)
Sigma Metaverse by Developous 0% (0)
Hentai Hill by Strai 48% (24)
Dragon Ball Dimension X by Jaydenhoff 0% (0)
Naruto Shinobi Rebellion: Kyuubi Unleashed by Dark Lord Productions 0% (0)
Cock RPG by Hellish Flames 24% (12)
DbzReleGR8 by Elation 20% (10)

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These games were selected based on the nominations of 0 whole people. Select BYOND's best game of all time.
Cock RPG is obviously going to be the winner.
cock rpg > all.
Its a tough one... I JUST CANT CHOOSE!
Now this is a good use of democracy.
Talk about riveting!
Hentai Hill obviously.
Maggeh wrote:
Hentai Hill obviously.

Who doesn't love a little Japanese "art" now and then?
the people of the FCC and other organizations jeff, those people
Jeff8500 wrote:
Maggeh wrote:
Hentai Hill obviously.

Who doesn't love a little Japanese "art" now and then?

Tom should have gone to the mayor
relegr8 is the best use of seizure-inducing flashes of neon colors. So it gets my vote.

Besides Cock RPG is a woman, and NSR: KU is black a liberal.
What about DBZ Ultrimate? Best character creation process ever.
dbzrelegr8 was really great.
Look, I'll put it this way:

If you don't vote for Cock RPG, you obviously don't have one.
ANiChowy wrote:
Look, I'll put it this way:

If you don't vote for Cock RPG, you obviously don't have one.

Real men prefer to watch naked drawings rather than penises.
I'm surprised nobody likes Developous' games. After all, according to him, they should be extremely popular.
This is too funny
Was Cock RPG the game where you were cumshoting to empty condoms?

I prefer Henai rather than Cocks so I chose Hentai Hill :P