Oh, a wide character let's you display other characters that ASCII doesn't let you display by using more bytes in memory. You don't need to use it unless you are going to display in asian languages.

George Gough
Ive looked at it look at this and tell the difference

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Please tell me how many male and female pets you have that aren't neutered. First the males, then the females\n";
int malen;
int femalen;
cin >> malen >> femalen;
int kidn = (malen*femalen*6);
cout << "When all your current pets are done reproducing, you will have " << kidn << " pets\n";
cout << "When you wish to end the program, hit any key and enter. Why? 'Cause I fail at C++ right now =(";
cin >> malen;
return 0;
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