I have decided to push my 7 Days 7 Games self-competition back a bit for me to work on my new strategy project.

I'm not sure what the exact date will be, but it will most likely be a month or so until I can get time to do the competition. I'm potentially looking at doing it over Spring Break or Summer.

In the meantime, I will be getting together a small team for my new strategy project. All I need is a Pixel Artist and a SFX Artist.

I have big plans for the game, and I'm going to make sure that I don't stop this project anytime soon, even if I do get bored of it.

I may start a weekly article.. I guess you can look forward to it.

As for what my project is named.. I'll leave you with a hint for each word of its name.

One hundred million, ten thousand and one black guys?
Number Niggers? J/K lol