Keywords: anime, raw, review
Yes, it's back! Random Anime of the week. Something that SuperSaiyanGokuX used to do on a weekly basis. If you don't know what it is, it will be advertising new an exciting anime's that you might or might not have heard about. I'll be posting a new R.A.W every friday. Maggeh will also be providing you with some anime articles aswell as myself, so look forward to that :).

Anyway, this weeks random anime is:

Denno Coil

Denno Coil is a futuristic anime set in 2026 and you might of guessed; new technology has been developed, a popular one being the new internet-connected augmented reality eyeglasses.ō_Coil anime.php?id=6278

I have only watched about 7 episodes of Denno Coil and will definitely watch the full 26 episodes. The anime is definetly worth checking out, to discuss this anime, read the forum thread!
I forgot to edit the URL leading to the forum post. LOL, oh well :P
Can I help provide some articles on this too?

Denno coil, I wonder whats its about, but eh at the 26 episodes. But some say animes with short episodes are some of the best created.

By the way, did you click add post on byond anime site? If you did I wonder why its not on front page.
Yes, you can provide some articles if you desire; however if you're going to make an article, don't base on Bleach or Naruto, basically, an anime that preferably a minority of people would know about.

The post doesn't show up because Dan has given me rights to post with approval, although I would prefer auto-approval, but I suppose beggars cant be choosers.
Bleach, and naruto isn't even what I was concerned about(lol). I plan on making topics only a few people have seen like zodiac knights.

Got a msn bro?
Yes, I'll page you.
Needz moar Gantz.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Needz moar Gantz.

Wtfux, you takin' my lines daw
Why iz we talkin lik dis?
cuz we black daw
Yash 69 wrote:
cuz we black daw

no mn u yellow.
daw i blak!
Jeff8500 wrote:
Needz moar Gantz.


Also, needs moar pro wrestling.
KU-DOS!! Turns out this is a good anime after all, i'm almost done with it.
it sounds like .hack already
Or maybe more like that Virtua Quest ( ) Game =o
Gantz? the anime was proper shit. elfen lied > gantz, all day.
Elfen Lied is cool if you like 5minutes of action followed by 5 episodes of romantic baw.
Gantz is cool if you like 23 minutes of unnecessary boring shitness. the plot is paper-thin and there's no real point to anything that happens. Lol, you didn't acknowledge me so i rape you now. It never seems to get intense either.

the manga is not as bad though.