Keywords: misc

Poll: Who would you like to see drawn on the Log-in screen?

Alien - Heavy 28% (7)
Robot - Heavy 32% (8)
Alien - Normal 8% (2)
Robot - Normal 12% (3)
Alien - Fast 8% (2)
Robot - Fast 12% (3)

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Its been decided, to replace the "black Hole" map on Efencea before maps get chosen, I am going to make a digital painting of an Epic battle between two bosses from each faction. But Which? The choice will be decided by popular vote. The top voted Bosses from each faction will be drawn out in full detail on the Log In screen.

If you have no idea what Efencea is about, I recommend you head over and play it. Its a Two player game, so you might need to grab a buddy.

I will begin the drawing Friday Morning, so, CAST YOUR VOTES!

You could probably find some examples of my work in my old blog:
Anything robots. Do it for the Motherboard.
A clash of the two!
Zerg, the "motherboard" lack's strength.
We require more minerals...
You guys are making me want to play Starcraft.. heh..

Seriously, I want to play Starcraft now.
Hold out until Starcraft II.
Starcraft II wont be out till the end of the year! Besides it's just Starcraft in 3D.
What self-respecting title artist would draw a robot "boss" in any category other than "heavy"? Aliens on the other hand, seems reasonable that they could be a little quicker, at least so they can get out of the way.
Foomer wrote:
What self-respecting title artist would draw a robot "boss" in any category other than "heavy"? Aliens on the other hand, seems reasonable that they could be a little quicker, at least so they can get out of the way.

These are descriptions that point to specific boss in-game. Not a creative idea.
Although, that would explain the why so many people voted on heavy, lol
Worth it Maggeh!