Well, Im back for now.
Anyway...I think it's ironic that while I was here I worked hard as a 'coder', Spent most my time as one in fact...
Yet, when I come back thats not people remeber me by. =\.
It seems people remembered me for three other reasons, my old hosting jobs, my old gm jobs, and some thingers I made (Burumanako being one).
Its not a big deal, it just makes me wonder how good of a coder I was, I know I wasnt the best (To yall who I coded for saying I was the best, It was a joke :P)but I thought I was decent. Or was I? Who knows, the last of my code is sitting in a old computer that had its OS deleted. *shrug*
6 people have asked, so Ill say. I MIGHT stay, but it depends on my mood, on the current games around (Havnt checked them all yet), and lastly if I can get back into 'coding'....twas fun ^_^
....My page was empty so I decided to post somthing here o.O
![]() Jan 20 2009, 12:35 pm
Well, you got me my first GM Job, so i think its time I Employ you, if you need a minor job you can ask me
Ya know, I dont even remember how I got the job on NSP to begin with...maybe I'll ask Kisioj why he gave a random freak like me the job of MGM, and allowed me to edit the code enough to add some random eye O_O