Woohoo. Thank god we have a new president.
Is it me or did Bush look displeased?
Amen to this post.
And the cycle begins all over again, but this time with a black guy.
Vexonater wrote:
And the cycle begins all over again, but this time with a black guy.

There is no possible way he can be as dumb and as incompetent as Bush. No matter what he does, he'll likely look like a saint, standing next to his predecessor.
Popisfizzy wrote:
Vexonater wrote:
And the cycle begins all over again, but this time with a black guy.

There is no possible way he can be as dumb and as incompetent as Bush. No matter what he does, he'll likely look like a saint, standing next to his predecessor.

That's exactly how I see it. Assuming Obama doesn't turn out to be a Communist sleeper operative, I severely doubt history will have negative things to say about him. I'm just saying though, Obama will be just another president until he proves otherwise.
The dark prince majin vegeta wrote:
Is it me or did Bush look displeased?

It's probably because a good segment of Obama's speech sounded like it was actually insulting the actions of Bush and the Republican party.
He took too long, and now we don't have Circuit City. :'( Where's their bailout package!?!