Riku 123q wrote:
WafflesxCreamCheese wrote:
To answer those....
1.)Name the witnesses
2.)Either way, the friends of the GM's always win due to the fact that they won't be jailed.
3.)I am an RPer and there was no way you could start an RP there.
I'm a witness, you got jailed because you took it too far, broke rules and such, and there's no reason why you can't start an rp if you actually tried. And if you tryed to start one over OOC, which means out of character, as in not part of an rp, you fail.
Even so this game should offer an RP verb.Even those fail Naruto rips have it.If this game cant reach up to the potential of someone who made a source code in five seconds.Thats pathetic.
nuff said'
What kind of RP Verb do you want?
:/ Never noticed that.
What kind of RP Verb do you want?