![]() Jan 15 2009, 6:53 am
yea and would u plz make the new servers public??
More cards would be great, dmo is defo the best yugioh game on byond, but dmu and dme both have much larger card databases, and i think that more cards would create a larger variaty of decks people use, eg crystal beasts/d-hero's etc. Also more deck space would b good, perhapes the ability 2 delete the starter decks and use the space 4 user created decks, cant wait 4 the update.
Is there something you can do about the Click Bug?
Everytime i play i can't continue the duel because when i click the command link it doesn't work (but when i'm attacking a monster, the Link may not be clicked but i still can double click the opponent's monster and it works) |
The version in development is definitely not ready to be released to the public, it still requires a lot of player testing.
I can't really say what new cards will be getting added at this point, I'm focused on improving the surrounding content to make the game look and feel better. Preventing people from using staple decks isn't really something that's within my power. |
But u still have the new test version correct? with magicians force? dont tell me u lost it..lol.
The version we were hosting with MFC is the one I'm current working to improve. I keep backups of any files of importance as well as an external backup in another building.
Kajika wrote:
When I get a bit closer to a stable version I'll seek out a freelance graphic artist and sink $100-200 into some new characters and maps. I don't mind being that freelancer you need later on, since the only thing i'm busy with -is- other freelance jobs, page me if you're interested in viewing my portfolio and such. |
kajika u could stop staple decks by making the card database bigger...we really want more cards not more enviroments and stuff like that....just work on the card database and add more Yu-Gi-Oh GX cards. Then we will all be happy...also i'll be happy to help u test out new version. :) kk respond to me. :)
If it's money you're offering then don't pick someone on BYOND.
You can get BYOND-level pixelart for free from someone willing to help out. |
Thanks Kajika I appreciate it. Yourr a very uniguq intelligent person. Dmo has become the most played game of duelmonsters..Im still amazed that u can still make it better, Is their even enough space to add in like 500 more cards? we r at like 1000 now..Its just impressive.. Well keep working hard...And I can test your game anytime I dont mind hosting a test version as well..well talk to you in lil bit Kajika.
IcewarriorX wrote:
If it's money you're offering then don't pick someone on BYOND. Well, "Byond-level" is a vauge term, we have telented members such as people like, AmonR, Maggeh, Hulio, Myself, and others i failed to mention. And yes, you might find noobie Pixel Artist for free here on byond... but no, I doubt you would be able to get much done with only 200 dollars if you go outside Byond. This is why I'm recommending myself, I would do the favor for that much, because its for Byond, and its DMO. |
Some, if not all, of the people you mentioned have worked for games for no payment. I doubt one of the top games on BYOND would have trouble finding someone decent.
I don't think it's a matter of finding someone who's willing to do a decent job. I believe it's finding someone with the commitment to complete it to a respectable standard.
I'm struggling between finishing up DMO as quickly as possible and polishing it off. In the end I'm mostly looking at what's best for BYOND. Having icons from a GBA game and my terrible placeholder graphics doesn't do BYOND justice. Although just working on the project is proving to be difficult. |
Kajika wrote:
I sack you wrote: Well it was working fine in the beginning, but afterwards when DI had enough people registered it would start up really late to the point where people actually left DI and that's when it started, bugging a lot of people, or it wouldn't start up at all. Hope this helps fix it, oh yea and when the problem arose we told you about it and you said that you hadn't changed anything so that was strange. There could be a possibility that it was either code added after that to something else and not DI or the coding in DI already implemented messing up. |
If you're thinking about new graphics, create an email address for DMO and people can send icons by email. You can then use the donated icons if they look good.
DMO servers just went down again. While everyone was on a particular server it said something to the effect of "version incorrect/ shuting down" When I try to host, it hosts for about 10 seconds then the program just closes.
Fusious: "DMO servers just went down again. While everyone was on a particular server it said something to the effect of "version incorrect/ shuting down" When I try to host, it hosts for about 10 seconds then the program just closes."
Yea... they seem to not be working, when I open the server 30 seconds later I get Version could not be verified. Check your internet connection and try again. Connection failed. Do you know what the problem is? |
Real talk i advise u Kajika too work on version 6.0 in the downtime dont put the regular dmo up unril version 6.0 is complete.. its so rndom right now i just want 6.0,,,and well if u could put a couple more packs in that b nice,,,but dont b ina a rush to put the5.2 version back up....next time i see dmo i want a version 6.0 or a 6.0 test version...thnnkyou ?Kajika and i loveu for makin such a great game, ?I want toosee dmo at its full potential so take as much time as u need 3 months max lol...work hard keep me up on the updates..i want to help in any way i can so contact me.