![]() Jan 21 2009, 10:48 am
It's funny how topics get so random. Anyway this game is great the way it is interface wise. I do believe that if you've never played the game and u log in for the first time the graphics would be a turn off but for the players who play often it really isn't a problem. Adding cards is always a touchy subject because the game really can't handle the cards that people want. Also different people want different cards so my solution would to just put all the cards on that are already coded in the game but aren't released to the public yet i.e. strike ninja, lufia's fairy card, etc. I think that would increase deck ideas a bit. Lastly, I would rather see the test server 6.0 version being hosted rather that 5.2 because 6.0 seemed more polished than 5.2. Sorry for the rant thanks for reading.
yow kajika, is it possible 2 get rankings back up?and dk?plz >.<
that was sooo fun. grtz |
Hmm.. Kajika, what are the chances that you will add a new set of cards to the game? I haven't played the game in almost a year, but I'm curious as to what updates there will be.
Kajika, first of all, my compliments about this game you created, thnx for that. You did a damn good job.
I was wondering, why are the servers down, and why is it impossible to host? Is it you updating the game or is it a byond problem in general? Keep up the great work! Grtz, Prime |
not that it is any of my buiseness but i think that u should add all of the duel types like free for all and millinium duels to the tournyment because the tourny is what most people play on and there are so many game types that no one uses and i think people would play thiem if they had to to play in the tournyment......the types i mostly see people play is normal single,shadow tag, and shadow single.it would be cool to see a room full of people in the pyramid or deck masters island for once lol.....keep up the good work
I would LOVE to disagree with Waffle, but I think he's right. I would honestly rather not play then have to use DMU or DME.
ey kajika,kinda needs time 2 get dmo back up :/ guess there are major changes going on there >.<
grtz mantis |
Kajika has never failed in the past. I seriously doubt he will now. I'm positive he's doing whatever is necessary to meet with most ppls needs and requests. pestering him about it will only slow him down. ive been playing dmo for a very long time. and the graphics have 0 need for change. as for adding more cards than you did in the previous test version i dont really see a need for. it made it so tomato control decks aren't even close to the best decks anymore. so it invited change to how everyone played. and as for duelist island that was the most appealing feature to ppl. but the problem was competition and ppl (can't mention who) asking ppl at 3 am to let them win so they can get a better score. im not really sure if theirs anyway to avoid things like that. that drastically affect the rankings. but anyways keep up the good work kajika if im around to play in new server ill be sure to let u know of any bugs in their. peace
He is getting there guys i had a talk with him today cause i got host files he getting there very fast just let him do his work this good of game can't just be done in 2 mins you know.
he is working on it the certifcate and all needs to be renewed kinda the servers really so jsut wait your time theres more games on byond nothing like this but make do point till then
I'm not entirely sure why servers aren't staying up, things on the certification server appear to be fine.
I'm going to put some more time into the updated version so I can put it up as a test server; that will ease the burden a little. |
do whatever you deem necessary don't just put up test server if it'll slow down the actual completion of the update. i remember when you had the test server up last year quite often it would lag endlessly and it got ppl quite annoyed. ppl on this game have been patient and will continue to be patient. so there are no worries their. by the way. the graphics for the game are perfect the way they are don't go all high tech to satisfy 1/1000 ppl just isn't worth your time. what ppl need really is an estimated time of completion. i know you have no guaranteed time to completion but if you just ball park a guess to completion. it would make 99.9% of dmo players feel at ease. and dont wry im speaking out of concern for everyone not myself cuz ill be in army in 11 days so i wont even get to play it :(
Hmm, well do whatever you have to do Kajika, hope the test servers come up soon!