Anyway. I've finally gotten around to posting my progress! I've come up with an easy-to-use (well, at least I think so) shop system! It's simply drag & drop, I mean, how could it get easier?

This is me selling a mass of items. I'm gonna be rich!

And this is me buying a few sets of armor. Buyin' the shopkeeper out is fun, but he always seems to restock quickly. I guess I made his storeroom too big.

Nothing much too special, but I like it, anyway.

Next up: my questing system. It took about 6 days to do altogether, but I believe the product was well-worth it!

This is a picture of the NPC dialog, as well as what happens when you click the quest button on the right of his dialog box. He can have up to (probably) 20 quests, though that is a bit much.

And this is the quest log! It shows all your quests (or, if you want, only uncompleted ones). If you choose to show them all, completed ones will be preceeded by **. Easy enough, right?

Anyway, this has been the spending of my time recently. Thoughts, comments, questions?

PS: The npc names are randomly generated. That's why they're so weird.
Looks good. Keep up the good work.
I love the gloves. Reminds me of my childhood when I had to wear gloves and defend myself from the randomly spawning goblins in a randomly generated dungeon.