Keywords: 2005
Thats right, my Birthday today. Finally 17. With no achievements to date to show for it ^.^
Now all you need is a celebration.

I'll get the booze, you get the live sheep.
Hello. I would love to tell you happy seventeenth birthday. I am already seventeen and I am going to turn eighteen next year. I've been seventeen for six months now and it's not that bad. ^_^ You will have great experiences and many people will look up to you. You'll have plenty more responsabilities. Mainly because you're going to be eighteen next year. Good luck, hun.
I'm Australian, not Kiwi <.<
Happy bday ;o
A happy happy birthday to ye. ~ Even though I forgot and got reminded just a few minutes ago.
omg! your seventeen! which means your almost 0.00005667% as sexy as me! Keep up the pwn work, and keep getting old!

*Please Note: I am only 16, age has nothing to do with your sexiness percent to me. I only gave you 0.0000001% for your birthday. That is all*
Nice, my brother bought me a bottle of vodka
Happy Bday Tibby!
Well, twas a great day. Bought lots of food, sat around and watched Family Guy, played Mario Kart 64 and had an all round good time.
I even got a hug from the girl i'm 'maddly and deeply' in love with. And that was kinda nice. She bought me a RC car. And my friends gave me $40.00 (the pricks!) <.<
Happy Birthday
Happy B'day.
I'll be turning 17 in:
2 years, 1 month, and 8 days.
I'll be 18 on March 13
Whoo, my last pressie. Some new shoes!
Lucky, lol... Ill be 17 in about 4 and 1/2 years...
Happy Birthday Tiberath...^_^
Lol luckey got some vodka ive been sober for 3 weeks now any ways happy BDay