Keywords: a, attempt, not, trolling

Poll: What is YOUR religious affiliation?

Christian 21% (7)
Jewish 0% (0)
Muslim 6% (2)
Scientologist (faggot) 15% (5)
Agnostic 21% (7)
Buddhist 3% (1)
Athiest -- Reform 6% (2)
Athiest -- Orthodox 0% (0)
Athiest -- Conservative 0% (0)
Athiest -- Constructionist 0% (0)
Athiest -- Hassidic 0% (0)
Athiest -- Dawkinist 3% (1)
Other 24% (8)

Login to vote.

If other, post. Yes, I spelled atheist incorrectly. Work with me.
If Scientology wins, I will shoot myself in the foot.
I'm one of the reasonably few followers of Terranism. It's too complex to explain in a comment, but it's basically a combination of the religions of ancient Greece, Egypt, China, and the Norse.
I personally prefer Protossism to Terranism.
A Person can choose to be what religion they choose..

i would be a

Unicronian = believes that in the center of the universe, there is only Unicron

Kamarism = Religion of Kamaro
I believe in a mixture of string theory and god. A very strange mixture at that; no one my age in my school would know what I was talking about.

EDIT: Apparently no one on BYOND is a Jew. Looks like Propaganda should stop adding it to their posts' tags.
I wonder how many protestants put "other" because they think only Catholics are Christian.
Jeff8500 wrote:
EDIT: Apparently no one on BYOND is a Jew. Looks like Propaganda should stop adding it to their posts' tags.

No, Kaltard is a Jew. He just doesn't believe in polls.

Also, is there any reason there are so many choices for Atheists? Just curious.
I had no idea there were different forms of atheism.
Gustav Nedic wrote:
I had no idea there were different forms of atheism.

He's just being weird, though technically there are two kinds: strong atheism and weak atheism.
Depending on the number of options that BYOND may be comical to see someone try to list all of the sub-groups of all religions...or at least the major ones.
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Depending on the number of options that BYOND may be comical to see someone try to list all of the sub-groups of all religions...or at least the major ones.

That wouldn't be very hard, there are only two kinds of Muslims, the ones who kill themselves and the ones who don't, and there are only two kinds of Christians; the ones that believe the Earth is 6000 years old and the ones that don't.