Spirit Age

by Chris Gayle
Spirit Age
An amazing action adventure game in a fantasy world on mystical islands
Keywords: 23, age, march, spirit
For the last two or more weeks i've been pretty bummed by the savefiles that seemed to do nothing except produce errors, so naturally I only worked on and off since I just couldn't wrap my head around the issues. Finally this morning I decided to suck it up and fix it if I could and I worked it all out, even cutting down the huge save files (450kb+) to a normal size (50kb+) and its working perfectly.

That's it for the system :] and we have a lot of content in and ready to be put ingame, i'm looking to open up the game next weekend hopefully starting on Friday, March 23rd to players who are interested in experiencing the first stages of SA. The only loose end for me to tie up is making the payment on the server and everything should be ready. (Not sure how long it will stay up past the weekend, but we will see.)

All of those who have been following and testing when they could, thank you for the help & support.
yay :) nice job.
This is good to hear, keep up the good work.
<<This guy is officially out of a bad mood :D
been waiting a while for this, time goes by fast :P
I'm more happy for Zane and myself rather than chris because he calls me noob. Now it is almost time to unleash those 20 deaths upon you.
Great job, glad to hear that :P.
The promised day is almost here ya'll!
I hope he delays it...
Actually, I may have to delay it, i'm currently in Trinidad, had a emergency and left on Sunday, i'll be back in Jamaica on Saturday, got thrown off a bit but i'm still aiming for this weekend or coming week. :X sorry...
:( Man was hoping to play tomorrow
In response to Chris Gayle
Chris Gayle wrote:
Actually, I may have to delay it, i'm currently in Trinidad, had a emergency and left on Sunday, i'll be back in Jamaica on Saturday, got thrown off a bit but i'm still aiming for this weekend or coming week. :X sorry...

So how much content is there going to be in game once you release it? Are we just going to be killing monsters or do you have some type of story we'll be following?
I believe the story ought to get as much attention as the programming, art and map have gotten, so the actual game story won't be available immediately. However an introduction to the story ought to be present, and various other generic quest lines.

Truth is though, we do not have the time as two full time students to make elaborate story lines that take days/weeks for a player to complete. So a focus for me is facilitating player interaction and fun competition, so lots of coop & pvp activities, guilds, etc. We can't create a great community but we can give the folks all the good tools to facilitate.
So, what day do you plan on opening now?
Cant wait to play!
Chris, I can help with a story. I got three in my head I may make a game of. However, I can help you with the story for this game or help you bring out your ideas very quickly. I also pixel art and I have some time on my hands; I want to help the game somehow :)