By some strange stroke of luck, I was able to find some old CDs I threw into a box when I moved that I had kept backups of my games, code, and art on. I also found a really REALLY old backup that was from my computer that would format all the CDs I burned into an unreadable format by everything but that computer.

One good thing about vista: It was able to read this legacy format and I was able to recover some ancient games I thought I'd never see again. About the only game I couldn't find was the original Fenris' Apocalypse, which was on even older CDs that are probably long gone by now.

I've recovered the sources to the following games:

Dungeon Diver
Forgotten Memories
Playing with Roses
Surreal Dreams
Arrow Maze
BYOND Trivia
Fenris' Apocalypse II
Ruthless Empires

I'm really hoping that Fate is the latest version, because I need to edit it and release it again to get rid of the subscriber crap and fix the hub problem.

If anybody is interested in any of these sources (excluding Dungeon Diver, which you'd have to ask Shades if you wanted it), let me know and I'll see if I can't send them your way.
Can I have DBZ BINGO NIGHT? I'm curious to see what it is over all else; I'll even take just the executable and resource file, just to check it out. You can E-mail it to me at
Jeff8500 wrote:
Can I have DBZ BINGO NIGHT? I'm curious to see what it is over all else; I'll even take just the executable and resource file, just to check it out. You can E-mail it to me at

Host it and show me too! That sounds like the strangest game in the history of.. ever.
Speaking of source codes, I've been meaning to send you the source code to SD that I changed around. You wanna give me an Email address or aim or something so I can do it? Also, you released FA on a "Kunarks' Junk" thing a while back that a few of us have.
I put up your edit of it on the main hub already (check the credit at the bottom of the hub info).... Unless you changed some more stuff since then, I don't have anything after that.

I don't think I made any of DBZ BINGO NIGHT past a couple of crappy graphics.
Lol at the bottom

If anybody is interested in any of these sources (excluding Dungeon Diver, which you'd have to ask Shades if you wanted it), "let me know and I'll see if I can't send them your way."
Rasengan3oo4 wrote:
Lol at the bottom

If anybody is interested in any of these sources (excluding Dungeon Diver, which you'd have to ask Shades if you wanted it), "let me know and I'll see if I can't send them your way."

Oh, damn.

I hate you Kunark.

Vex, if you could send me the original FA, that would be grand.

Oh and merciless, I sent Fate to you.
Kunark wrote:
Vex, if you could send me the original FA, that would be grand.

Oh and merciless, I sent Fate to you.

I need a way to contact you. Do you have an email address for me?
Surreal Dreams has always been a favorite of mine. Hopefully more work is done to it, or maybe even that complete remake you spoke of. :)
I'm going to make a flash remake of it, but I need time and money first :P Not sure when that'll be.
I'm personally interested in FA and FA 2's sources. FA mainly because, to be honest, I want to fix issues that were never fixed, rewrite some of the code, spiff up the graphics and rerelease it as a tribute, though I wouldn't plan to hugely update feature wise.

FA2 i'm interested in to see the differences between it, and FA1.

Yes, I am one of the creepy stalkers who was in love with FA. I think it still has potential, mainly for the roleplaying community, if it were updated.
I'd be mighty interested in expanding on Playing with Roses, I remember it was really fun back in the day.
Mind if I poke around the source?
I am intrested at Ruthless Empires, If you dont mind.
if it would be at all possable to get the drugwars source i would greatly appreciate it, i love that game, i like to add a few drugs, and poissably a way to "counterfit" drugs along with about 20 more locations, to make it alittle harder but more fun to play. i would possably also add a store tab that depending on where people go they can buy goods like a bigger coat, some weapons, or some over the counter drugs that they could use to counterfit some drugs, if you dont want to send me the source i would be more then happy to tell you every little detail about what i want to add. you can email me at
Kunark, I don't really care about Dungeon Diver anymore. I have all but accepted the fact I lost money out on that deal. If you'd like to make it open source, by all means, please go ahead and make a hub entry for it. I hope other people learn from it and make something fantastic.

If you don't think it is me, thats cool. Hit me on up on AIM sometime (if you still have my original handle) and we can talk. Otherwise, use my old e-mail, I still keep it handy.

Please keep in mind though, that, I don't want just select individuals having the source, if it is going to be made public, I want anyone to have access to it.
I'll send you off an e-mail to verify your identity, then I'll make it open-source. I don't use AIM.
Kunark wrote:
I'll send you off an e-mail to verify your identity, then I'll make it open-source. I don't use AIM.

Would you happen to be able to send me Ruthless Empires?
may i have the sorce for Fenris' Apocalypse 2?
email is
I know this blog is really old, but I always liked the game Fate. I would really enjoy playing it again. If you can send it to me at this email,, that would be greatly appreciated.
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