I have just finished watching the new movie titled, "The Wrestler" and found new motivation to work on GCW2. However, it will not be called GCW2. I'm just naming it GCW, since the first game really wasn't a game. It was really crappy. I plan on using all of the old documentation Ogre and I wrote up on game-play. We will be using a dice system for combat. More information on that will be released later because I don't want the ideas being recycled before I finish this. I created a new base, all animated. So now all it needs is 4 more animations for combat.

Anyone interested in Pro Wrestling that would like to join me and create the ultimate online wrestling experience, please leave me a message on this post. I am only looking for those who are talented in pixel art and programming. I could use 1 of each, however I can handle all the pixel art if all else fails. I am starting from square one, from scratch. The old source and work is being deleted. Thank you for reading and I hope to draw a crowd to give me even more motivation to finish my FIRST ever, 100% completed project. Much love!

P.S. I do need someone who is skilled with making skins to help create one. I don't have much knowledge on that aspect. You will obviously receive credit for your work.
Dice system, original.
Right, however, GCW2 was in production 4 years ago, before your time. We came up with the dice system when we started this project, there for. We are the first to do it, and I still have old code of that system in my older release folder. Thank you very much.
Lol, so you're giving up on four years of unfinished work? Since you're starting over, does this mean GCW's expected release will be sometime in 2013?
It's not four years of steady work. GCW2 was revamped several times. The only thing missing out are the graphics but they're old as hell. I've designed a better base, and I'm working on up-to-date graphics to match.